Three~Fangirls can be coaches for multiple things

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"If you could kick the person in the pants that causes most of your trouble, you wouldn't be sitting for a month."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

"Lib, he is the most stubborn person I've ever met." I said into my hands.

"I'll be happy to coach for you. Get your feet off the dashboard."

I moved my feet down lazily. "Why can't he just read the book and spare me the trouble?"

"Boys are complicated. They like to complicate things, so you have to be as nonchalant as possible and maybe he will tone down his complexity."

I groaned as we approached the studio.

"This is where I leave you."

I got out and yelled, "Don't forget to pick me up!" Before she pulled away smiling.

The place was huge. I almost got lost three times, but luckily a security guard guided me towards the sets, and by the third time, they walked with me. It was amazing. Fake streets and shops ran in between giant set houses, large fields with crime shows investigating bodies were being filmed, a giant water tower with the production agency's logo printed on it loomed in the distance. I had always been a LA girl, but this was Hollywood.

Leigh was waiting for me when I got to set eight. Leigh was waiting for me. This kept getting more surreal.

"You're right on time. Please, feel free to offer any suggestions to any of the actors." I barely heard what she said because I was staring, in awe, at the sight around me. Carpenters and construction workers everywhere, making props, sets, and everything in between. Farther in front of us, actor chairs were set up, a whole buffet of every kind if food sat in the middle of them, behind that, a large black tent was set up, the Darkling tent in the book. The actors were getting ready to start filming. The gorgeous Xavier Woods brooded in a high back throne, clothed in black attire. Crimson stood before him twirling hair around her finger as she waited for the scene to start.

"How has Jax been doing? Making any progress?" She whispered as the producer called for quiet.

"He progressing." Progressing in making me want to commit suicide.

She smiled. "Oh good. I knew he was the perfect part." Well, he's not.

She led me over to one of those fancy actor chairs and sat me down, she plopped into the seat next to me. This felt so cool.

The scene went perfectly, until Jax came out. The makeup artists had done an amazing job, making his face look pale, blood smears across his forehead, a bruise under his eye.

"Tracker, what did you see?"

Ok, here it goes. "N-nothing." He still sounded bored, his eyes didn't show pain. I knew the camera would be focusing on his pretty blue eyes.

Xavier scoffed. "You were right next to her, you must've seen something."

Jax's gaze met mine for a moment and I mouthed "Hurt" to him. He quickly glanced away and said his next line almost perfectly, but I wasn't going to push it, that is the best I was going to get out of him. Leigh gave me a thumbs up and I smiled. They did a few more takes of the scene then called to take five.

I hopped out of the chair and took a donut from the buffet.

"I don't even need an acting coach, that was all me." Jax plucked the donut from my hand and took a bite.

I scoffed. "Sure, pretty boy." I took another donut and shoved it into my mouth whole.

"Aw, she thinks I'm pretty." He fake smiled and held his heart in a mock gesture.

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