Twenty Eight~ Fangirls are good drivers

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"Some do drugs, others go for a run, but at the end, we're all just searching for that tiny space, perhaps a hole, that gives us shelter from the terrible reality of the world."


"Thirty two dollars and forty six cents." Luke counted.

"Nope," I corrected, taking a penny from his monstrous coin pile. "Forty five. I did not say shit that one time when I was trying to say shirt, I was eating crackers and my mouth was really dry."

"But you just said it."

I grumbled and dropped the penny on his pile of coins.

He grinned as he pushed them into a giant jar. "I'm going to sort them now."

I laughed as I watched him lug the jar up the stairs.

"Hey, Erica." My mom smiled and sat next to me on the stairs. "How's it going?"

"Good." I said nonchalantly.

Her smile faded. "Are you sure? Is everything ok? I feel like we haven't talked in forever."

That's because we havent. She has been obsessing over the wedding and Blair and dad that she has barely said a word to Luke and I. I was mad at her. I realize that she was busy, but she could find the time to at least give a simple "Good morning" to her daughter or know when something was wrong and ask me about it. But she just passed me in the hall like everything was fine and I wasn't screaming in my head. I wasn't ready to open up to her yet.

"Uh," she played with her fingers as she tried to think of something to make conversation about. "How are you and Drew doing?"

"We broke up."


"A week ago."

"And you didn't tell me?"


"Why not?"

"Because you were busy." I said simply.

"I'm sorry about that. Are you ok? Was it over text?"

"I broke up with him."

She looked a little shocked. "Why? You seemed to like him a lot."

"He turned out to be a dickhead and I found someone better."

"Who?" She sounded like a teenager her voice was so giddy.

"Jax." I said it like it was nothing.

Her eyes lit up as they widened. "Are you serious? You're dating Jax?!"

"Yeah, if you were a better mother you might've been able to figure it out before the magazines did." I snapped as I got up and walked upstairs. I was done. I was so pissed that she was just now realizing this.

"Erica-" She didn't get to finish because I was slamming my bedroom door shut.

Thankfully, Blair had left a week ago and I could take my room back. But that didn't mean she didn't leave her thick smell of perfume hanging in the air.

I sat against the door, throwing a tennis ball against my wall to keep myself occupied and to blow off steam while I waiting for my mom to leave my doorstep. She made several attempts to get in and to try and apologize but I didn't listen. I know I might've been overreacting about this whole thing, she was stressed, she had other things to take care of, but she hasn't been busy for a week and is just now deciding to care about me. She doesn't get to pick and choose when she wants to be a parent. It's not fair.

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