Eight~Fangirls forgive

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"Don't you ever tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash."

-Arsonist's Lullaby by Hozier

All this time, I thought Drew was this genuine, smart, sweet, awesome guy, all of those thoughts were contradicted by this moment. Why her? Let me rephrase that, why me? Why did he pick me if he planned on having her?

"Becca," he whispered when they pulled away. He must not have seen me. "Let's-" He looked over at me, fear filled his handsome brown eyes while tears filled mine. Rebecca looked over at me, a small smile on her face. "Erica-"

I ran.

I took off my shoes and ran. I was so embarrassed. I was so stupid. I could never have a guy like him, it wasn't possible. Drew didn't follow me. The sounds of footsteps didn't follow me down the hall and I was glad. I didn't want him to explain to me what I saw, I had seen enough.

I ran outside and took in a gulp of fresh air, looking around. I didn't have a car, I couldn't ask Libby for a ride, it would be too embarrassing. More couples were laughing by cars and drinking beer. I quickly wiped my eyes and stopped crying, not wanting to look like the girl whose date dumped her.

Even though that's what I was.

At least I wasn't alone, I had the tiny bugs in my eyebrows to keep me company. I started walking home. My house was probably two or three miles from the school, but I didn't care. Walking would be less painful than the emotional hurt I was feeling right now. It was cold tonight, I rubbed my arms, trying to bring warmth back to them. I must've looked like a homeless person, makeup smeared, shivering, hair disheveled. A few cars zipped by, sending cold blasts of air my way. A black car slowed down next to me. Great, I was going to get kidnapped too.

"Well aren't you a sad human being." Please not him. Anyone but him. I would rather be kidnapped than him seeing me like this.

"Keep driving and pretend you never saw me." I grumbled.

"Isn't your homecoming dance tonight?" Jax asked.

My lip quivered and tears filled my eyes again. "Just go." My voice cracked. I didn't look over at him.

"Whoa," he stopped his car. "Are you ok?"

"The dance is over, I'm going home, and so should you." I kept walking and he slowly drove his car next to me.

"You're walking?"

I stopped. "Yes ok?!" I finally looked over at him. He looked like he just got back from a party.

"Get in."

"No." I kept walking.

"Bigmouth, you're going to freeze to death, and I'm going to feel bad if you freeze to death."

"So it would be a great bother to you if I froze to death. Wow. Really nice."

"Erica," he made me look over at him, his eyebrow raised. "Get in the car."

"Stranger danger!" I started running, my bare feet burning on the rough pavement. Suddenly, his car sped up with a screech and did a one twenty spin onto the sidewalk, blocking my way.

"Get in the car, bigmouth."

I grumbled and opened his confusing door, sliding into the passenger seat. I suddenly liked his crap car smell, it didn't remind me of Drew.

"You're a mess."

"Thanks." I grumbled as he screeched off the sidewalk.

"What the hell happened, Carrie?"

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