Eleven~Fangirls don't do dead people

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"Spend a little more time trying to make something yourself and spend a little less time trying to impress people..."

-The Breakfast Club

Time seemed to slow. Seagulls flew slower, the waves crashed lethargically, the wind was sluggish. The last thing I saw was Luke's head go under and time sped up again. I started to run forward, about to collide with the water, unsure on how I was going to help him, I doubt I could swim through a riptide. Luckily, Jax beat me to it. He paddled out quickly to my little brother. I didn't want to stand here being useless, so I swam out too. I got swallowed up by a wave, losing sight of Luke.

As I tumbled through the harsh water, all I could think of was Luke's well being, not my own. All I could feel was guilt. If I hadn't been paying so much attention to Jax, maybe I would have noticed that my little brother was unattended. My head broke through the surface and I coughed up seawater. I searched frantically for any sign of Jax and Luke, but my vision was being blocked by another wave barreling my way. I ducked under water and let it pass over, before paddling farther out to sea.

I felt the small tug of an undercurrent and quickly moved away from it. I couldn't go any further. I poked my head out of the water again and relief washed over me as I watched Jax swimming towards me with an unconscious Luke in his arms. I helped them back to shore, tears stinging my eyes as Jax laid Luke's limp body on the sand.

"Is he alive?" I managed to choke out.

Jax pressed his ear against Luke's chest, then a finger against his neck. "He has a pulse, but he isn't breathing much." He started to administer CPR, pressing on Luke's chest, pinching his nose and breathing air into his lungs. A crowd was forming around us, most people whispering about Jax and taking videos on their phones.

I started to get nervous, this was probably the fourth time Jax has done mouth to mouth and Luke hasn't responded. I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle a sob. Finally, Luke shot up, coughing up water and gasping for breath. I wrap my arms around him and start crying. Never in my life have I felt so relieved.

"Erica," Jax whispered. "We have to go right now."

I pulled away from Luke and realized what he was talking about. A camera crew was coming our way. Jax quickly put on his shirt, sunglasses and hat. I picked up Luke and we ran towards his car, trying to avoid the press. I tossed Luke into the back seat as Jax started the car, speeding away before anyone could catch up to us.

"Jax, I..... I don't know what to say."

"A simple 'thank you' would suffice."

I blinked a few times before saying, very sincerely, "Thank you."

"No problem." He gave me a weak smile.

"What happened?" Luke sputtered.

"I have no idea." I muttered. It all seemed like a jumble of events now I couldn't quite place.

Jax dropped us off in our driveway. I was silently thankful I didn't have to make the thirty second walk from my neighbor's house anymore.

"Thanks for the ride." I say quickly before ushering Luke inside.

Then something miraculous happened.

The air conditioning came back on.


"I can't believe people are still buying coffee." I said to Libby as I topped off a macchiato with whipped cream. The heat wave dragged into Tuesday. Four days was a long time for the sweltering weather. I could tell a lot of people wished it would rather snow than keeping going with this. Yet, the coffee shop was still mobbed, but more people asked for iced coffee.

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