Seven~Fangirls can have hot dates

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"You gotta fire up, you gotta let go."

-I'm So Sorry by Imagine Dragons

"Don't wear pink, you look like a bad serving of cotton candy."

Megan frowned in her pink taffeta dress. "Spencer says I look good in pink."

"That's because Spencer is a stereotypical ass who thinks blondes wear pink." Libby said. "Back in."

Megan groaned and walked back into the fitting room.

"Lib, where is your dress?" I bumped my shoulder with hers.

She laughed nervously. "Well actually....."

"Oh my God! You aren't going?!" How could she get me to go to homecoming when she wasn't even going?

"I'm definitely going but....." She scrolled through her phone and showed me a picture of a bright pink dress.

"No. Freaking. Way." That was the dress that Drew wanted me to wear. "Who are you going with? Dog Man?" Dog Man was her boyfriend, none of us knew his real name.... If he had a real name.

"They wouldn't let Dog Man in. I'm going with Bryce, his girlfriend is in college so he won't try to get me alone in the janitor's closet."

"Don't tell me you picked out that dress."

She made a disgusted face. "Jesus, no. That misogynistic asshole picked it out."

I snorted. "And you said yes?"

"I wasn't going to go dateless." She grumbled.

"Better right?" Megan came out wearing a navy dress to her knees with a sparkly bodice.

"Much." I took a sigh of relief. The homecoming dance was tomorrow night and although I had a dress and shoes, I was still stressing. What if my concussion spontaneously decides to get worse? What if I step all over Drew's feet? What if Rebecca pulls a Carrie on me and dumps pig's blood on my head? I wouldn't have any cool powers to get revenge on her with.

"What are you wearing to the game tonight?" Megan asked me as she checked out.

I shrugged. "Jeans, sweatshirt, what are you wearing, a morphsuit?"

She rolled her eyes. "Wear something cute, please?"

I grumbled. "I make no promises."

Libby drove both of us home. I took a quick glance at my closet before heading to my dresser and pulling out my school sweatshirt and jeans. My phone buzzed with a text from Drew.

Do u have an amazingly planned outfit for tonite?

I hated when people spelled tonight like that.

No, why?

Usually the baseball team's dates wear their jerseys.... But if u don't want to its totally fine

Was I dreaming? Was I seriously going to wear his jersey? Wouldn't that mean I'm his girlfriend or something?!

Yea! Totally!

I responded way too eagerly.

Cool :) I'll pick u up at six thirty

I flopped onto my bed and hugged my phone to my chest, a light feeling washing over me. Ok, maybe my life wasn't that horrible. I rolled over onto my pillow and screamed into the soft cotton.

I scrambled into the shower and threw my hair into a casual ponytail and tried not to make it look like I tried too hard. It was four thirty, I figured I had some time to kill, so I continued writing Dark Soul. Spending so much time on set I got some really good ideas, maybe it was just Leigh's presence that inspired me. I got so lost in my writing that I almost didn't hear the doorbell ring.

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