One~Fangirls and Moviestars don't mix

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"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do."

-Isaac Asimov

I hate people who watch the movie and consider themselves die hard fans.

They would only be, like, die soft fans, not even die fans.

For example, if somebody was attempting to assassinate J.K. Rowling (which would never happen, who doesn't love her?), I would take a bullet for her. The movie fans would stand by like "Eh, she was probably a suckish writer anyway." And I would be like "Oh no you didn't!" Well actually, I would probably be dead because I took a bullet from her but I would be saying it spiritually.

Anyway, the books are always better than the movies, but no matter how many times I say it, nobody listens. People are always like "Ooh, Daniel Radcliffe, your favorite." And I'd be like, "No, Harry Potter is my favorite, Daniel Radcliffe is just a horcrux to hold a part of Harry's soul.

Absolutely. Hate. Those. People.

"Oh my God, let's go see Frozen."

"Megan, I'm going to shoot you."

"We are seeing Mockingjay whether you like it or not."

Megan snorted and crossed her arms.

I tapped my foot impatiently as the line moved slower than me in PE. "Maybe we should see it next Friday."

"No! Next Friday is the Shadow and Bone filming by our house, remember? You wouldn't want to miss that." Megan said.

I shrugged. "The book will always be better."

"Ugh! Books require thinking, the movies are so much easier." Libby pulled out a compact mirror and applied another layer of black lipstick.

"I like a challenge." I grinned.

Suddenly, I felt a large shoulder knock me from behind.

"Watch it!" I scolded as the person, a boy probably my age, walked past me, cutting the whole line. "Um, there is a line."

He turned and smirked with his thin lips. His eyes were concealed with sunglasses, a beanie on his head. You could probably cut yourself on his jawline, his body looked ripped under his leather jacket and jeans, not to mention his shiny Jordans made him look really athletic. He was a total dude.

"Lines don't apply to me." He sounded like a dude. And his breath smelled faintly of mint.

I scoffed as he squeezed through the rest of the line, a few boys trailing behind him. He walked straight up to a clerk who had customers, but completely ignored them and bought his tickets. The blonde cashier giggled and gave him tickets for free.

"I'm going to call mall security. Maybe he is a son of Aphrodite and is charm speaking them."

Megan slapped me on the arm. "Do you know who that was?!"

"I total jerk." I replied.

"I swear you need to get your face out of your book and into life," Libby crossed her arms. "That was Jax Anderson, only the hottest guy on the planet."

I shrugged. "He wasn't that hot."

Megan let out a small scream. "I can't believe you just said that. Libby, get the soap, and a priest, we need to cleanse this child."

We were next in line and actually bought our tickets, unlike Jax who practically stole them. I hate celebrities that think they are higher than everyone else.

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