Twenty Four~Fangirls don't sleep around

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"Don't be afraid to rock the boat once in a while. If someone falls out then obviously they weren't meant to be in your boat in the first place."


"Erica? What are you doing?"

I turned around in horror and came face to face with my boyfriend, who had just seen me kiss another person. He looked angry, really angry.

I swung open the door, stepping out next to him. I didn't know what to say, it's not what it looks like? But it was exactly what it looked like.

"I thought you said you weren't romantically involved with him." He said through clenched teeth. He must've been on a run, an earbud hung out of his ear and he was wearing shorts and no shirt. He grabbed my by the wrist and I flinched. "Erica..."

I completely crumbled. "I'm sorry, Drew, it just happened and I didn't mean it. He didn't mean it, I swear."

I didn't realize Jax had gotten out of the car too. "Let go of her."

"Are you talking to me?!" Drew stepped in front of me. "You don't tell me what to do. She's mine, so don't touch her, don't talk to her, don't even look at her."

Jax's nostrils flared, his hands clenched at his aides. "She isn't your property and has a mind of her own, so I suggest you back the hell away from her."

Drew took me roughly by the hand and started walking but I stayed frozen in place.

"Erica," he hissed.

I just blinked at him and let go of his hands. I don't know why I did, I wish I could take it back but I couldn't move.

"She's not going with you." Jax said, coming closer to us. "Just give her some space."

"Shut up!"

Drew lunged at Jax and punched him in the face.

Time seemed to slow. All I saw was a blur of bodies moving and the occasional blood splatter.

As a little girl, I always imagined boys fighting over me, but they were more like Edward and Jacob fighting over Bella. I always though if any boys were to fight over me, it would be Luke and his friend literally fighting over me, like I was their wrestling mat or something. But seeing two of the most attractive people on the planet throwing punches because they were twitterpated with me, it was a little baffling.

I finally came to my senses and ran in between them, forcing them apart.

"What the hell?!" I screamed, pushing Drew away from Jax who was crumpled against the car. Drew's nostrils were flared and dripping with blood, his eyes still trained on Jax, bruises forming under his left eye. His bloody fists were clenched at his sides and I knew that blood wasn't his.

I turned and walked over to Jax, who was holding his stomach and groaning, blood dripping from a cut in his eyebrow along with blood from his nose.

I cupped his face in my hands. "Are you ok?" Jax looked in worse condition than Drew did which was odd. I know Jax could've beaten Drew to near death, but he had chosen not to, it's like he forfeited. "Why did you let him do that?" I whispered to Jax. He knew what I was talking about.

He stood up shakily and pushed my hands away from him, spitting blood to his left. "It seems to me you love him, there was no point in disappointing you even more by ruining whatever you see in his ugly ass face."

Drew started to come at him again but I held him back. "If you touch him-"

"Erica, I'm done with this." Drew seethed. "It's me or him."

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