Chapter 25: Stuck In The Amazon

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Phil's p.o.v

"No! Alex!" I yelled, watching the portal close. All the fog and colours dissipated until they were no more. Where's Alex? Why didn't we go back for him? I'm such an idiot! I could have saved him. If I had helped him up...we could both be standing here. But I was stupid and waited for something to happen.

Lucy was crying into Phillip's shoulder again. She hasn't stopped since we saw Alex vanish round that corner. God I hope he's ok. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if we wasn't. However, this wasn't my fault.

"You! You killed him!" I shouted, running at Phillip. He didn't move as I tackled him to the ground and threw punches at his head. It was easy for him to grab ny wrist and put me on my back. I struggled against him, but he slammed me back down everytime.

"Let me go!"

"Not until you calm down. This is no one's fault. I didn't know the portal would deteriorate. Apparently the rumours are true."

"What rumours?!" I asked, wanting him to release me from his hold. Why is he pinning against the ground? I need to get out of here and get help. If Phillip wasn't going to help him then I was.

"The King needs to be here to power the portal. I don't know how, but I was told by a friend he only has to be in hell for it to work...without Damon the portal won't work, which means if Alex is still alive he can't come back through the portal. He stuck on Earth."

Alex's p.o.v

"Ow. Oww. Woo. Ow." I muttered, wondering whether I was in the milky way or had been burned through the atmosphere of an alien planet. Someone grunted and I opened my eyes to see several men with dark skin staring at me. Closing my eyes, I told myself I was dreaming. However, I couldn't ignore them when the one on the right kept tapping my shoulder.

"Please don't kill me! I'll give you anything you want!" I pleaded, protecting my head with my arms. They began grunting and snorting. I didn't know what was happening. Where was I? The man who had poked me, had a skull and cross bones on his forehead. They were painted from head to toe with vivid patterns. The other man had a bull on his chin. It looked freaky. This was a nightmare. It had to be!

Suddenly, I looked down at what I was laying on. It was a bed made out of logs and Palm leaves. I know I'm dreaming now. This time I was one hundred percent sure this wasn't real. I should be falling through space, not sat in some native American's bed in a hut. The headache I had been anticipating was making my head thump with pain. Make it stop! Ouch! This is demon cruelty. The council will hear about this. Guardian cruelty is a serious matter people! Oh be quiet in there. I don't need you making it any worse. Have you seen where we are?! Yes, we're in the Amazon rainforest. Really? Yes. You're joking aren't you? Nope. Ok I thought you were telling the truth for a moment. I am. We are stuck in the Amazon.

Of course. We couldn't end up anywhere in Europe could we? Nope we are stuck in South America! Calm down. The tribe will take care of us. How do you know that? They might cook us for lunch or sacrifice us to one of their gods! I put a chill pill in your pocket if you want one. Now stop panicking and focus. Their chief is a friend of mine. What are the odds? That's what I was thinking a couple of days ago when he came in to see how you were doing.

How ling have I been out for? Four days. Elliot rescued you. He grabbed your arm and pulled us to safety. If it hadn't been for him we wouldn't be alive. Who's Elliot? The Chief. He was going to hell to find Damon, but he found us instead. I talked to his demon (Alice) and she said we could stay here for as long as we needed. I thought the Cheif was a dude. I'm confused. You get what you're given and he was given a female guardian. Got a problem with that?

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