Chapter 15: You're No Father Of Mine.

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Picture of Henry

Henry's p.o.v

"You know Damon loves me really. He's always been stubborn. When do you think he will let me see Alex?" I asked Issac, but Sammy responded instead.

"I don't know sir, why don't you ask him yourself?" He replied, was he from London? He sounded like he was London. The accent was definitely there. I think he's from London as well. My thoughts exactly.

Don't worry about Alex. He'll be glad to be rid of this place. Plus, Damon wasn't going to hold a grudge for long. It was a mistake. We had a valid reason after all. Yeah. He had to anyway because I'm his brother! He owes me. What have we done for him again? Nothing. But that's the beauty of our relationship.

Now where's Alex? I don't know. "Sammy where's Alex?" I asked, he remained silent. Damon probably gave him strict instructions not to tell me. We kept walking through Dam's mansion until Sammy gestured to a blue door. I raised an eye brow and wondered why he had told me. He didn't tell us, he showed us.Cool. I love loop holes. It could be a trap though. Please, look at him. He isn't the pranking type.

"Alex?" I asked, opening the door to find him sitting on a bed with another boy sat up in it. "I'm ready to take you home kiddo!" I exclaimed, hoping that he would be happy to see me.

He froze.

Alex's p.o.v

"Hey mate, how are you doing?" I asked, entering the room. Phil was beginning to eat and drink things other than toast and water, which was a huge relief for Phil. I handed him a glass of lemonade and he took small sips, while I downed it in a few gulps. He smirked and set his glass down on the nightstand.

"I'm doing good thanks. Can finally stop being harassed by medical professionals every five minutes now." He smiled, not afraid to show his frustration.

I nodded in agreement. This was the first time I had been allowed to see Phil since yesterday. They had been hovering over him like vultures. Damon had probably threatened them that if he died he would make their lives a living hell. You didn't. What? That pun. Did I do a pun? I guess I did without even realising.

"Damon threatened them that's why. They probably don't want to have their lives be hell." I laughed, but Phil looked so done with me.

"Please leave immediately and take your crap puns with you," He teased, while I pretended to be offended. We laughed for a long time about demons and Lucy. He told me how Lucy stuck the needle in his neck and he woke up in a dangling cage.

"Ronald has grey hair and red eyes. He also has two pairs of arms. They grew out from his back. It was awesome, but disgusting at the same time." He began, wanting to tell me every little detail. "He pulled his lever, which made the cage fall to the ground. I held on to one of the bars and umm..then I-I hit my head on the floor and urrgghh...landed on my arm. Thankfully, I didn't collide with the ceiling because that would have been worse." Phil finished, looking down at the cast on his left arm. I looked at my name written in red ink on it. It was the only one.

"Lucy got me good when I tried to rescue you. She dug her claws into my shoulders and look at this." I said, pulling up the back of my grey T-shirt. He hissed when he saw the wounds.

"That looks like it hurt."

"It did." I chuckled. He smiled and finished his lemonade. We talked for another few minutes before I heard someone say my name. I spun round to see a man looking at me with a huge grin on his face.

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