Chapter 17: Broken Trust, Fixed Hate

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This song is called 'My Immortal' by Evanescene. I think it goes nicely with this chapter. Hope you enjoy :) Also, here is a picture of Vanessa


Henry's p.o.v

I was the happiest man alive! My wife, Lola, had finally given birth to a healthy baby boy. We had discussed the names on the drive to the hospital and after lots of arguing and thinking, we decided to call him Alex. It seemed like everything was perfect right now.

Lola was asleep at the moment. I had been worried about the baby because as I was part demon, I didn't know what to except. It worked with my parents because they had Damon and me without any problems. However, he had more demon than me and I had more human than him, so it varied.

She looked beautiful when she was sleeping. Our latest addition was in the cot beside her bed. Thankfully she had it naturally without many issues. There was the occasional, but nothing major. It went better than I thought it would.

I reached out my finger, so he wrapped his fingers around it. The little devil had a firm grip. I smiled at my son. Never in a million years did I think I would have the life I have always dreamed of. A perfect family, job, house and car. Basically, everything was perfect. I don't think I could of asked for a better son.

He started crying and wriggling around, so I picked him up in my arms and cradled him close to my chest. Alex soon calmed down and drifted off to sleep, looking peaceful and content.

I couldn't stop smiling. After my wedding day, this was the best day of my life. At least now I didn't have to worry about Lola quite as much because everything went smoothly. The doctors said she was lucky to have such an easy birth, compared to other woman. I didn't know much about giving birth, but it probably wasn't fun and very painful to endure.

I was proud of both of my treasures. Bending down, I kissed Lola on the forehead, moving her golden locks behind her ear. They both looked so cute when they were sleeping.

Someone entered the room, causing the door to creak.

"Sshhh!" I exclaimed, not wanting my brother to wake up both of my sleeping angels at once. "They're sleeping," I whispered, revealing the baby in my arms. He didn't smile. I frowned at his reaction. Wasn't he glad to see his new nephew?

"He looks like you a lot except he has his mother's sun kissed skin, but your eyes and hair though." He said, without even showing he was happy to see Alex. I felt like something was off with him. Knowing Damon, something was wrong.

"Are you ok?" I asked, starting to get concerned. Was Vanessa pregnant? Did he propose to her yet? "Is it about she in the club?" I wondered, seeing him furrow his brow in confusion.

"Oh God no! We're taking things nice and slow thank you. Plus I'm too busy running hell to look after a child. It would be unfair on the kid if it never got to see its father. I would never want to put my son or daughter through that pain." He answered, still avoiding the question.

"C'mon Damon I know you. Something is bothering you, so what is it?" I repeated, wanting to know if there was anything I could do to help.

"It's Alex." He sighed, looking sad. I nearly shouted back at him, but then remembered the sleeping baby and wife in the room with us.

"What's wrong with my beautiful baby boy. You're awesome aren't you?" I asked Alex, my voice changing into the baby one for him. He responded by yawning. I will take that as a yes then.

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