Chapter 23: Where's Damon?

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Picture of Phillip, he features towards the end of the chapter.


Alex's p.o.v

"Prince Alex! Is it true that the King has been kidnapped?"

"Phil! Phil! Are you both abandoning us?"

We walked onto the stage and nodded to the crowd of demons that had assembled in the town hall. I had to stop myself from grimacing at some of the demons. Phil stood his place in a chair beside the podium. Taking my position at the podium, I turned to address the crowd. Coughing, I held onto the wood and leaned forward towards the microphone.

"Everyone please calm down. We will answer all of your questions in a moment. For now I need you all to listen carefully." I began, hearing my heart pound loudly in my head. Taking deep breaths, I tried to keep my breathing under control. I have seen the Prime Minister speak before on TV, so I knew a few things about politics. The first rule was to give a vague answer or change the subject if I didn't know the answer.

"There are rumours going round that the King has been kidnapped and now we will abandon you. I promise that as the future Kings we will never abandon you!" The crowd cheered and my nerves began to dissipate with every moment. I nodded at Phil and he came to my side.

"Any questions? Please can you not all talk one a-" Phil was immediately drown out by all of the curious demons pestering him for answers.

"Where is King Bloodsworth?"

"We don't know, but we will be sure to find him shortly. Our expert trackers have been sent down to Earth to investigate the situation" I lied, right through my two front teeth.

"Who will be in charge if his majesty is gone?"

"We will of course. Prince Alex and I are next in line for the throne." Philadelphia answered, seeming annoyed at this particular question.

"When did you become the next King Phil? You're not apart of the royal family."

"QUIET!" I bellowed, slamming my fist down on the podium. A hushed silence hung over the crowd.

"I have decided that as a kingdom we will be stronger with two rulers. One maybe of use where another isn't. This will create a more formidable and mighty force that our enemies will tremble at the very names of. Now there will be only one final question before we must return to our search for the King!" I yelled, looking around the petrified faces. They all glanced from one another waiting for someone to speak me. Finally, a rather small, middle-aged man stepped forward at the front.

"Are you two gay?" I snapped my fingers and the curtain fell before me. Staring at the red satin, I felt my face grew hot. Why do they all think we're gay?! This isn't even funny anymore! Why can't they just accept the fact we're friends and get on with their miserable lives? God you sound like Damon. What? We accused him of being gay as well with Ronald. He had the same reaction also. Oh. My. God. Really? Yes really, now let's go before they start trying to climb onto the stage.

Quickly, I dashed back through the door leading onto the stage.

Phil's p.o.v

I thought me and Alex had handled the situation well...and by well I mean awful! The kingdom was in anarchy and we didn't know what to do about it. Oh Damon! How could you do this to us? And to think we would have been the Kings right now of it hadn't of been for Alex's issue! We wouldn't even know where to begin. I know Damon was eager for Alex to learn on the job, but I think he might want to reconsider after we find him.

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