Chapter 1: School Life

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Picture of Alex Carter
Alex's p.o.v

Slamming my locker shut, I glanced around at the sea of faces marching through the corridor. I clutched my most prized possession-the latest holdall bag.

There was a buzz in and around the school. Pushing my way into the crowd, I passed numerous club posters and trophy cases. A giant banner had the words 'School Prom' written along the hallway.

I let out a long, deep sigh. Prom is the literal definition of Hell for someone like me.

Suddenly, a stampede of year 7 boys came charging around the corner, snapping me out of my thoughts.

The group of girls adjacent to me, during the chaos, had shoved me into the lockers. I hissed through gritted teeth as I checked that nothing had fallen out of my bag. My shoulder was throbbing. The girls giggled, thinking it was hilarious. I begged to differ.

Turning right, I climbed up the mountain of stairs. It seemed like forever when I finally opened the door to Class 17.

Mr Earlgate was a short, rounded man. He wore a bright yellow tie, which was covered with blue spots. There was a dark red stain on his suit - probably beetroot from his lunch. His charcoal trousers matched my mood.

'Hey Alex, what's sup?' A familiar voice yelled from across the room. I manoeuvred my way through the desks of students. A crowd of adoring fans had encircled Phil. He signed people's books and even took selfies with them. I rolled my eyes when I saw him dab.

Show off.

The bell rang out through the school. Everyone dispersed and sat down at their seats. Hastily, I made my way to the far corner of the room, next to Phil (who was a school celebrity).

He had medium length, blonde hair with black highlights. His trousers were ripped and his sleeves were rolled up way too high. He always had a carefree attitude; made the girls love him even more.

Phil could never get into serious trouble because his dad was the headmaster. A very privileged position for Phil to be placed in.

'Get out your textbooks and turn to page 29,' Mr Earlgate began in a monotone voice. The class groaned in unison. I hated Maths with a burning passion that fuelled my hatred further.

'Guess what Alex?' Phil asked me excitedly. I ignored him. 'I got a girlfriend!' He squealed, unable to contain his excitement. My mouth formed an 'O' shape. His cheeks had flushed scarlet.

'Can I help you, gentlemen?' Mr Earlgate asked, tightening his grip on the coffee mug hovering around his lips. I glanced anxiously at Phil. He knew I was terrible under pressure.

'Nothing sir, we were just...discussing simultaneous equations!' He replied triumphantly. I smacked my forehead. Glancing over at us with a stern expression, Mr. Earlgate nodded, and then continued on with the lesson.

'Are you an actual idiot?!' I whispered, while he chewed his pen lid. I sighed for the utmost time today.

Without warning, the headmaster burst through the door. His fists were clenched. I gulped. Phil's dad stared everyone down. I swear Mr Earlgate was physically shaking.

Beads of sweat formed on my brow. My palms became hot and sticky. I kept wriggling in my seat, trying to act anything but suspicious. Phil fiddled with his pen, looking down at the desk.

Now I was petrified.

'Please may I see Phil Donaldson and Alex Carter, now!' He commanded in a harsh, husky voice. Slowly, we walked awkwardly towards Mr Donaldson. He nodded at Mr Earlgate before he shut the door behind us. We both kept our heads down, scared to make eye contact. My hands were shaking. He towered over us and grunted.

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