Chapter 20: Final Goodbye

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Alex's p.o.v

"Rest in peace father." I sighed, touching his coffin. The ballroom was decorated in black silk and balloons. My father would have wanted a chocolate fountain as well..ok maybe that was my idea. It was a good one too. I sighed. Guess it's official now. What? We're an orphan. I guess we are. Oh well. That's two less presents to buy at Christmas. I smiled. It's not cool to make a joke at a funeral. I know.

"Are you ok?" Phil whispered, also touching the coffin with a nod of his head. I was surprised he had even shown up to the funeral let alone plan the whole damn thing.

"Yeah. I'm coping," I said, walking out into the garden. Looking back one last time at the black coffin covered with bunches of dark roses, I spotted a single tear roll down Damon's cheek. Hastily, he wiped it away and smiled when he caught my gaze.

"Not even demons have a heart made of stone!" He chuckled, wrapping a strong arm around my shoulder. I put my arm around his waist and we both carried on walking towards the centre of the maze, which was the best seat in the house. Other demons joined us along with Phil and Lucy. The servants including Sammy and Rose were standing in the corner. Damon had given them the evening off to watch the display. Sammy and Rose were all snuggled up together. I shipped them...Rommy?

The fireworks started with a large fountain of sparks and light squirting from the ground. There were oos and ars all night as they sizzled and popped away in the night sky. I had to cover my ears at the end of the grand finale, in fear that my ear drums might pop and I would go deaf.

As the final sparks faded into the night, Damon gave me a quick squeeze before he began to eat Lucy's face some more. I don't know the power of this 'mate' bond. But it looks like fun from here. They were definitely both enjoying it. I couldn't get to sleep last time because of them. Thankfully, Rose gave us ear muffs this morning so we could block them out better. I bet everything in my life savings that it won't work.

"Rude Alex!" I heard Lucy yell playfully in my mind. So yes I forgot to mention, Lucy has some sort of mind power, which allows her to hear my thoughts even though I'm not a werewolf or her mate. It's not as fun as it sounds like. She decided to never tell us about it until this morning. I had a very busy morning today. It is annoying as hell! She won't get out of my head. But I have learnt to block her out. "Don't you dare Al-" Gone. I should be the only one in our head. It's too crowded in here with her as well. Also she smells weird. I frowned. How can she smell? She's just a voice in my head. She still smells funny to me. I rolled my eyes. You are so stupid sometimes. Excuse me..bitch say what. What? Ha! That's no fair you said it really fast. That's the whole point. I swear he mentally rolled his eyes at me right now.

"There's your glass," Phil said, handing me my orange and passion fruit J20. I took a big gulp and sighed. This was definitely going to help me cope. I would probably end up high on J20 by the end of the night. We were waving Damon, Lucy and some of my father's friends (who I didn't know even existed) off as they are going to scatter my father's ashes down on Earth. He wanted them to be on top of my mother's grave. I thought it was kinda sweet how he was so loyal to her. But I still wasn't going to admit it to anyone anytime soon. He didn't even hug any other women since her death in case it was mistaken as a romantic gesture. If that isn't loyalty then what is?

Me and Phil were going to be left in charge of the mansion. I couldn't wait. We were going to sleep all day and party all night! Phil was arranging the event and inviting everyone. Meanwhile I was going to make sure we did this undetected so we wouldn't get caught. It would also be a chance to find what the people are looking for in a King and if they want anything changed or modified. Someone had already discussed about banning guardians from now on. I don't know about that one. Maybe if someone is sick or dying I will give them the choice, however if they criminals their immediate punishment would be to become a guardian unless they had a responsible explanation. Hang on a second, do the guys even have a court and trials before they are sent to prison? Nope. Yep that was going to change.

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