"Pretty much...it's cute seeing everyone being so aggressive and obsessive-ish about  us, and we knew most about each other." I replied.

"You know...things got a lot better when we began to date. I don't really know why, but I feel like I'm much more free like this."  Connie sighed happily.

I smiled and kissed him on the lips. He chuckled and kissed me back. We kissed for a bit of time, until...


Me and Connie blushed as I yelled, "HEY NO WE'RE NOT, LEAVE US ALONE ISABEL!!"



Isabel and Petra laughed and joined us in sitting in the mat. "So, how are you guys?" Petra smiled.

"Ah, we're great! In fact, Connie and I really enjoyed the Springles contest thing." I giggled.

"It's not fair, though. Someone could've still won the bragging rites thing." Isabel pouted.

"Eh it's alright, we all win." Petra patted Isabel's head.

"I wish there were other love teams like you guys that we could be tested on...and I wish I was still having that experience you guys have...but Farlan's..."

Isabel began to tear up, Petra patted her back, "It's alright. Just don't think he's dead. Think that he's just...away."

"Yeah. Farlan was one of the only men who actually understood me and treated me like a normal guy. He's pretty passive, too. And he doesn't get drunk all the time...." Connie grinned.

"Thanks for the complements and all but... Farlan is mine and I'm not sharing him with anyone else." Isabel pouted again, and everyone laughed.

"By the way, what's you and Farlan's story anyways?" I curiously asked.

"Well we were both huge followers of Levi-San. And we hung out with him a lot. Until he began to become more and more busy. So we usually hung out by ourselves.  We began to date not so long after and shared a house.You guys were almost strangers to me up until the revolution, when the incident happened."

"I'm still surprised you haven't killed Ymir yet..." Connie huffed.

"Yeah, well she was Titan brainwashed, I don't completely blame her." Isabel muttered.

Then all of a sudden Rin and Sousuke joined the conversation. Isabel had a grudge, so she hissed,

"You trying to take Petra away again?"

"Hey, we just wanna have a normal conversation with you guys." Rin answered.

The two boys sat down. Petra began to talk, "Hey Isabel, are you sure you aren't related to Rin? You two kinda look alike..."

Isabel's eyes widened, "What!? What made you say that!? We're nothing alike! He likes swimming underwater, my dream is to fly. He's a guy, I'm a girl. He gets a girl by pinning her against the wall, I get guys from the Internet...by accident."

"I mean physically, you guys are both messy-styled redheads and are very enthusiastic." Petra answered.

"Hehe, so does that mean we're both close to you?" Rin raised an eyebrow.

Petra stood up and shook her head, "well, it's not that..."

Everyone stood up too, for some reason. Rin laughed, "I'm kidding, why're you so awkward around me?"

Before she could reply, she felt someone holding her wrist. She turned around and saw Levi, "Levi? What're you doing he-"

He grabbed her hand and kissed her before she could reply. He then pulled away and squeezed her yelling,

"Stay away from my girlfriend, you assholes..."

"Girlfriend!?" She blushed

"GIRLFRIEND!?" Me and Connie shrieked.

"Holy cow, I'm gonna have a sister-in-law..." Isabel mutters drunkly before she falls on the ground and passes out.

"Bet you pieces of **** weren't expecting that, huh?" Levi scoffed.

"Agh..." I mutter slowly before passing out as well.

Together forever (Best friends-Sasha x Connie sequel)Where stories live. Discover now