We can work it out

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"Elise please talk to me." Paul pleaded "We can work this out." He sighed.

Paul had been outside my front door for about an hour trying to get me to let him in. It was 9:00 pm and getting darker, I noticed as I stared at him through the peep hole.

I decided maybe I should give him a chance "Fine but you've got one shot, make it a good one." I warned opening the door "Thank you baby!" He said coming to kiss me but I put my hand on his lips "Not so fast, you have 20 minutes to state your case and if I'm not satisfied you're leaving." He nodded curtly and followed me into the house and sat at the kitchen table.

He looked awful. As though he hadn't slept in days judging my the dark circles under his eyes and his hair which was going every which way.

I made some tea and set out a timer. I sat back into a chair, fixing my dark purple skirt and white top. I then crossed my legs. "20 minutes. Go." I waited for some lame excuse as to why he was making out with some girl but instead I got 2 minutes of silence.

18 minutes to go.

"Well?" I asked sipping on my tea "Umm....." He bit his lip "To be honest love, I may have had a few while we were on the plane and I didn't know what I was doing." He said referring to the 2 bottles of champagne we had in the ride.

15 minutes.

"I feel so horrible baby." He said. Tears were forming in his eyes. "Can you ever forgive me?" He asked desperately. He looked so sincere and I could tell he was holding back tears. It was time to fess up. "Paul, I'm not really a good one to talk because I've done somethings that I shouldn't have." I Confessed setting down my cup "What do you mean?" He asked fiddling with his coat.

10 minutes.

"W-When you were still in Florida.... I stayed with George and Pattie." I began "umm ok... I don't see what you've done wrong." He said furrowing his eye brows. I bit my lip trying to get the words out "George kissed me." I blurted out "What?" Paul asked in disbelief "A-And I kissed him back." Tears were running down my cheeks "I-I'm sorry." He looked at me with soft eyes "I was so upset and he just wanted to make me feel better." I cried into my hands.

5 minutes.

"Well now we've both done things we're sorry for." He smiled softly "Can I come back home?" He asked standing and walking towards my chair. "Please baby?"

3 minutes.

I nodded through the tears and stood up to hug him. He kissed me softly and then passionately as his hand traveled slowly traveling up my skirt. He lead me towards the bedroom, never breaking contact and shut the door behind him.

1 minute.

Let's just say that we never heard the timer go off through the sound of our muffled moans and sighs that lasted long into the night.

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