Norwegian wood

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I woke up wrapped in an unfamiliar
pair of arms but pulled them closer to me, not thinking much about it.

I thought that it was just a bad dream. Everything that happened on the honeymoon, until I realized the figure was a lot taller and thinner than Paul.

I furrowed my eye brows and shimmied around to face whoever it was. I was suddenly met with the beautiful brown eyes of no other than George Harrison.

"Morning." He smirked "Morning George." I whispered realizing how close we were "Where's Pattie?" I asked trying not to stare into his perfect chocolate eyes. "She's gone out." He said flatly "You have really pretty eyes." He mentioned as casually as he could "Thanks." I replied "So do you." We kept staring deep into each other's eyes and I felt something in the pit of my stomach as I stared into them. I then realized his face was getting closer to mine.

Our lips collided before I could stop him. I didn't think about the consequences. I didn't think about what could happen if anyone found out. I just focused on the beautiful man in front of me.

I kissed him hard and passionate, us both shoving our tongues into each others mouths and I wrapped my arms tighter around him, which he did as well. The kiss heated when he ran his hand up my thigh and I would've gone through with it but then I realized what I was doing.

"G-George." I panted "W-We can't." I said "I know." He replied resting his forehead against mine. "What just happened?" I asked looking at him "I've loved you ever since I met you but you fell for Paul." He confessed covering his face with his hands. "Oh George." I sighed "If I'd only known...." I hugged him "What do you mean?" He asked "I feel so guilty now." I whispered "S'alright." He said kissing my forehead.

"Paul can't find out about this." I stated "of course and neither can Pattie." He replied.  "Of course." I nodded resting my head on his chest and taking a wiff of what could be the end of a 2 day marriage.

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