Halloween Preferences

Start from the beginning

About an hour later, you were buzzed enough to stumble over to Tony, who had his Iron Man face guard down. "Come on hero, let's go have a dance." He laughed drunkenly in your ear and you pulled him out of the room to a broom closet, where he hastily started pulling off his clothes. You had your shirt off by the time he got to his mask, but it was too late. You screamed and shoved the unidentified man out before dressing. Completely sober, you found Tony, looking just as frantic as you. "Y/N!"

"Tony!" You latched onto each other and found your way out to his car. You just sat there for a minute.



"I almost shagged a guy I thought was you."

"Same here." Silence for a minute, and then you both broke out laughing.

Loki Halloween

"Oh, come on Loki. Let's just go to the party!"

"No! This tradition is stupid!" Hurt, you flushed and looked away. "Fine. I'll go and get wasted in a small costume BY MYSELF, and hopefully I won't be too drunk to forget that you're home and not in costume at a party." You shoved your foot into the boot of your costume angrily before adjusting your hood. You were dressed as Robin Hood. Loki's arm snaked around your waist.

"Love, stay. Perhaps we can find a more fitting place for your costume, say, the floor?" You rolled your eyes and spun out of his grip. "I am going to have a naked, wasted, GROWN UP Halloween, Loki." You slammed the door you the apartment angrily.

Four hours later, you were sitting outside the door because you forgot your keys, dejectedly licking a Tootsie pop. Couples stumbled past you, giggling, and you sighed. The party hadn't been very much fun, mainly because you knew you were in a fight with loki. The door opened behind you. "Y/N? What are you doing?" You shrugged. "Living it up, Halloween is my favorite Holiday." He sighed and pulled you into the apartment. "Are you drunk, Y/N?" You pouted. "Maybe a smidge. I'm still mad at you." He sat you down on the couch and resumed playing a horror movie on Netflix.

You finally caved in and leaned on him, and he put his arm around you. "I didn't want to be embarrased in a costume."

"But that's what a relationship is, Loki. It's being embarrassed for the sake of the person you love. I would wear a stuffy lady dress for you, if need be. I wouldn't be happy about it, but I would do it."

"Well, that's different. It's just a made-up holiday."

"Yeah." You hesitated. "When I was a kid, my dad loved Halloween. And he'd always drag my mother out with him to go to parties. She hated them, but when I asked her why she went, she told me that she liked how happy it made dad." You frowned. "I don't know. We aren't my parents. You're a god." He kissed the top of your head.

"Next year, i'll wear whatever silly costume you'd like, Y/N." You smiled and snuggled into him. "I hope you like dressing in drag." He shook his head at you, chuckling.

Sherlock Halloween

"What in the world are you doing?" You sighed and hefted the pumpkin onto the table. "Come on Sherlock, even you know what a pumpkin is." He sat at the end, staring at you. You had newspapers strewn about, and carving tools all ready to go. "Yes, but what are you doing to it?"

"You must have deleted this tradition. I'm carving it, silly." He sat like he usually did as you cut the top of the pumpkin open and scooped out the guts.

"This is absolutely disgusting." You rolled your eyes and finished scraping it out. "Says the man who puts heads in his fridge. What should I carve?" He shrugged and you passed it over to him. "That one's for you, grouch." You set to work on emptying another one. By the time you were done, he still hadn't touched his pumpkin, and you rolled your eyes again. "Alright Sherlock. Don't bother. I'll have John carve a silly face in it later. You set to work concentrating, first lining out the design and carving out the pieces. Sherlock stood over your shoulder as you did, pointing out curved lines as you went. Finally, when you finished, you smiled and stepped back.

Oneshots, imagines, and ideas, oh my! *discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now