"Babe let her drink if she wants" Sophia said kissing my neck

"No. Stop kissing me" I pushed her "and don't call me babe I'm not your babe"

"Why are we sitting here like well-behaved kids?" Amara said frowning she hits the table "lets Dance" she looked at Sophia "Hay Sophia, why do you keep yapping all the time?" she gestured her hand as lips talking I snickered "cant you dance? Boring! Dancing is a very good exercise." She looked at me now "calf muscle! Thigh muscle! Hip muscle!" she started dancing with her hands. I don't know why but this girl going to be the death of me. "A dance a day keeps the doctor away." I love drunk Amara.

"Amara you're drunk," Sophia said

"I'm not drunk" she stood up "if you guys are not going to dance I'm going to. Excuse me" she smiled at me and went I'm guessing to the dance floor.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I stood up and followed Amara. She's drunk I don't want anyone to touch her.

I was searching for Amara when I saw her dancing alone I went to her.

"Hayyy!" she said looking at me

"Hey" I went to her

"Hey again"

"Again Hey" she kept dancing and said, "How did you find me?"

"When did I lose you?" I smirked "you kno-"

"Don't you know hoe to dance? Why do you keep yapping all the time?"

~Amara's P.O.V~

He pulled me to his body "you want to dance"

I nodded

He flipped me over and pressed me to his body "Rock Back" I did as he said squeezing my hips and rolling it backwards to his body.

He watched me do this for sometime, his eyes watching my body. I was watching his, seeing his muscles strain in his shirt, his arms flex. He flipped me so I faced him now and ran his hands down, over my hips to my ass. I swallowed and gripped his shirt, scrunching the fabric between my polished fingers, gripping me tighter, and pressing me into him. He smirked showing his dimples. God, I love that dimple. "My mind is running circles of you and me Anyone in between is the enemy" sliding my hand slowly to his neck, grinding into his, I don't know where this courage came from. It has gotten even worse, when I realize that we both were turned on by the dance as I felt him on me. He turned me back and started swaying me again. I took a deep breath and started moving my hip to meet his, his hands roaming around. He came closer to my ear as I can feel him breathing "He knows about you in every way, He's memorized every part of your face" he bit my earlobe "Inside and out, baby, head to toe" he ran his hands on my thighs, I gasped "Yeah, he knows everything there is to know, the way you change moods, the songs that you sing when you're all alone" he studied me closely "But, baby does he know you can move it like that?" I heard a moan escape my lips, I was a bit shock to be honest "does he know you're out and I want you so bad? Tonight you're mine, baby. He'll never know" he kissed my neck "The way you lie when you look at me, So keep trying but you know I see all the little things that make you who you are" he said that while kissing my neck.

"Harry. What. Are. We. Doing?" I said between breaths

"I know nothing's making sense. For tonight let's just pretend I don't wanna stop so give me more" His hand traveled down to my thighs, under my dress. His fingertips were manly and large, going higher and higher. I pressed my thighs together. I felt him smirk against my skin; he pulled them away, and set his hands onto my hips. "The taste of your lips on the tip of my tongue is at the top of the list of the things I want" he whispered. I had no idea what the hell that was. I ignored it, not able to process all of what was happening tonight.

Bits and PiecesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz