Jason licks his lips and looks at me slowly. "The only girl that I want to love me is loving someone else."

"You know . . . " I walk all the way into his bedroom. "If you want her, go get her. Who gives a fuck that she fucked Cameron? She didn't want him! She had always wanted you. She was just a little fucked up in the mind over you and your situations, and Cameron made her his only priority. By the time she tried to walk away from him, she was in deep. We've all fucked up. You have too, but she didn't walk away from you. She slapped your ass really good and decided to move the fuck on."

I watch as he covers his face with his hands, resting his elbows on his legs. I stand there for a few minutes not knowing what to say to him. "Listen, when Terrance and I leave, why don't you come along?"

He shakes his head with his face still in his hands.

I throw my hands up and walk out the room. I can't talk to him, if he's shutting down on me. I love him, but there's nothing else that I can do for him. Whatever is going on, he's going to have to figure that out.


I open the front door to Ashlee. I almost wish that I didn't open the door, because I know that Jason doesn't want to talk to her, or anyone for that matter. He's been locked in his room for the past couple hours, since I tried to talk sense to him. I take a step back, letting Ashlee into the apartment. By the look on her face, Ashlee is going to make his day a whole lot worse.

"He's here?"

I nod without saying a single word.

She walks pass me, and I close the door. Terrance and I make eye contact for a moment as I take a deep breath in. I already know that it's about to go down. I sit down next to Terrance on the couch and lay my head on his shoulder.

"You really need to talk with him. He'll listen to you, if you tell him to talk to Mel. He's not going to listen to anyone else."

"That's not my business, baby. Maybe he doesn't want the damn girl back. We don't know what it is."

"Stop being a dummy. You - - - "

"Get the fuck out!" Jason screams, making me lift my head up and look down the hall.

I instantly stand up, but Terrance pulls me back down next to him.

"That's their relationship."

How is it that he can mind his business so well? I continue to look down the hall, ear hustling at this point.

"Don't fucking disrespect me!" Ashlee screams back at him. "You can't even pick up the damn phone, when I'm calling you? Where the fuck were you?"

I tense up a little, having the urge to stand up. I just want to pull Ashlee from Jason's room. I know how Jason can be at times, when he doesn't want to be bother. All she knows is the sweet Jason, but she doesn't know that he can be a complete asshole at times. I figure that she can try again later, because he's not having a great day as is.

Terrance puts his arm around my shoulders and grabs the remote control, turning the television up a little.

"You came barging in my fucking place - - -"

"You're right! Where the fuck were you?!"

I stand up and quickly move towards Jason's bedroom.

"Hey!" Terrance tries to grab my hand, but I'm already on the move.

I am not going let Jason take his aggravation out on the innocent girl. He knows better, but he's not in his right state of mind. I am going to kick his ass later. Hard. I walk into the bedroom to find Jason punching a hole in his wall. Ashlee stands back, covering her mouth with her hand in shock with tears coming from her eyes.

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