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*W/ Roc in the woods on his way to base*

OMFG. Where is this house!? I have been running for like ever! 

???- HEY! YO ROC!

Roc- Huh? Who's there?!?!

???- It's me! Jacob!


Jacob- Whatever. Look here's what's about to go down. I am heading back to base to get the other girls, and you are gonna help me!

Roc- Hell no I aint!

Jacob- Hahaha! Well... *pulls out a gun* I dont think you have much of a choice now do you?!?

*W/ Jaden, Kenya, Ray, Bahja, Trevor, Mariah, Zendaya, Prodigy, and Zonnique*

Kenya- Guys... I am getting so worried! Ray and Bahja STILL arent awake, and it's been like an hour! And on top of it all, these Unicorns wont work! How are we supposed to check on the others!? 

Mariah- i have no idea... but hey... what if Jacob comes back for us guys? We dont have any protection! He poisioned Ray Ray and Bahja, so he's obviously trying to do something!

Jaden- Let's turn on the house alarm! That way, if anyone tries to get in or out of the house, it will make a loud siren, and call the police immidately!

Trevor- DAMN. That's a great idea bro!

Jaden- Y thank you! Haha! I'll go upstairs to turn it on!

*Runs up the stairs*

*Ray Ray and Bahja finally woke up*

Kenya- OMFG!

Zendaya- What happened to yall!?! OMG! I was worried sick!

Ray- Well... me and Bahja were just chillin here, and then all of a sudden Jacob walked in here and said that he made it to base also, so we were all celebrating, and then Jacob gave us some drink... and that's all I remember!

Mariah- Ray Ray... we are in so much danger now omg. Jacob is ruining the game, he is probably about to do something terrible! He poisioned yall and then took Bre! Who knows what else he's done!? 

Bahja- Damn! I always knew he was creepy!

Zonnique- Yeah! But Im freaking out cuz Peyton, Kyndal, Diggy, and Roc have been gone for an hour  trying to find Jacob and get help, but they still aren't back!

*Jaden came back in the room*

Jaden- Cool, yall are up! Oh and the alarm is on, so NO ONE LEAVE!

*W/ Bre, Peyton, and Kyndal on their way to the police station*

Peyton- Oh no. Omg. Did yall here that?

Bre- Hear what?

Peyton- *stops running* someone is calling our names!

Kyndal- What?

???- KYNDAL!!!!!! PEYTON!!!!!!!!!! BRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bre- Who the hell is it?!

Peyton- Idk! What if it's Jacob!

Kyndal- Yo, let's go hide in that bush right there just in case!

*They all went behind the bush. Since Peyton was on the Cheetahs, her warm up was bright red... so she could still be seen, even though she didnt know it.*

???- HEY, I know yall are here! I see Peyton's warm up!

Kyndal- *whispers* OMG! That's my baby!

Peyton- DIGGY! OMG You scared us so bad!

*They all run up to Diggy and hug him*

Diggy- Haha! I am SO happy yall are safe! Wait... where are yall going?!?

Bre- We are running to the police station! Jacob is about to kidnap the other girls too! We have to hurry cuz when he finds out we left, he will probably kill us Diggy!

Diggy- Wait. We cant do that. 

Kyndal- Why not?

Diggy- He found Roc! I heard him screaming his name about 10 mins ago! 

Peyton- That's it! I am not going! He'll probably kill all the guys in that house too! We'll never reach the police fast enough!

Kyndal- She's right Bre.

Bre- No! We can make it! We HAVE to make it!

Diggy- No, we HAVE to stop Jacob! He's about to kill again yall, but this time... he's gonna kill our friends! We have to stop him before it's too late!

Kyndal- Wait... are we gonna have to kill him?

Diggy- Maybe, but hopefully not. 

Peyton- Okay, well let's get moving yall! We got a murderer to catch!

High School- A Mindless Behavior StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon