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*Roc's POV*

Dude! Me and Diggy just found Justin along with the other producers all on the ground dead with bullet wounds to the head. Okay... WHY DID I SIGN UP TO BE ON THIS SHOW!?!?! We are dealing with a murderer! We gotta stop Jacob!

Me- Bro, we need to go tell the girls NOW!

Diggy- Way ahead of you!

We flew back down the stairs and to the porch where our girlfriends were waiting, however... they werent there.

Diggy- Oh shit!!!!

Me- I bet that little nigga Jacob has them too! OH FUCK!

Diggy- We got to find him! He freakin killed Justin and the producers, he's probably gonna kill them too!

Me- Wait a sec... what about the others back at base? I bet they are in danger too! Omg! Here, I'll go back to warn them, while you go and find the girls and Jacob. 

Diggy- K!

*diggy started running away*

Me- Oh wait!

Diggy- What is it?

Me- Dont be afraid to kill him if you have to Diggy... he obviously has a gun, so you have to be REALLY careful!

 Diggy- Okay! Good luck bro!

Me- Good luck!

*Peyton's POV*

I woke up really dizzy, by the sound of two people screaming at eachother. At first I had no idea who was yelling, yet alone where I was. Then I finally realized... it was Bre and Jacob! I looked around and found Kyndal still unconcious tied up to a chair, just like me. 


Jacob- I know what I said... I lied! 

Bre- What are you planning Jacob?

Jacob- I cant tell you! 

Me- W- what's going on?

Jacob- Hey Peyton! Nice to see you!

Me- How did I get here? Where is Roc???

Jacob- Peyton, calm down! Everything is fine!

Me- Then why am I tied to a chair?

Bre- Yeah Jacob! Why are they tied to a chair and how come I am tied to a freakin bed!?

Jacob- YOU SHUTUP! *slaps Bre across the face*

Me- I want to leave NOW Jacob!

Jacob- Don't worry, you will be out of here.... as soon as I go get the other girls.

Me- Why do you want the other girls?

Jacob- Look... I'll tell yall whats going on since you OBVIOUSLY wont shut up! OK... growing up.. I was always the guy who always wanted a girlfriend, but all the guys always took the girls I wanted! Now... I have my chance to get 8 gorgeous girls!

Me- -____- that's your whole reason behind this? That's probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard Jacob! You are really attractive okay? Im sure you can get any girl besides being like this!

Jacob- All the girls I want are taken!

Me- Jacob! Do you know how many freakin girls are on this planet!?!? And you must be CRAZY if you think you could get a girlfriend by HITTING girls! What was that about!?!?

Jacob- You're right... look Bre... Peyton... Im sorry! But I have to do this! The cameras are shut off and the producers are dead. This will probably be my last day of freedom! I'll probably be in jail for the rest of my life for what I did! I want this to be the best night of my life! There is no turning back. I am finishing my plan and that is final!

*Jacob ran out of the room, cut off the lights again, and ran out of the mystery house and into the woods towards the base*

Me- Bre...

Bre- Yes?

Me- Jacob can't tie good at all! *Pulls arm slightly and the rope slips off*

Bre- OMG! I cant get mine tho! Can you help me out!?

Me- *get's out the rest of the rope* Of course! *Unties Bre's ropes*

Bre- Okay... we gotta make a run for it! But... Kyndal is still unconcious! 

Me- Wait! I got an idea! First, you need to turn on all these lights and stuff tho, so if someone is away from base, they will see their is light and they will hopefully save us! In the mean time, I think I may know how to wake her up!

Bre- Okay! We need to make this FAST!

Me- Got it! 

*Bre ran to go turn on more lights*

Okay... time to wake this girl...

Me- OMG!!!!! IT's HARRY STYLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kyndal- W-where???

Me- Hahaha! Dang... it actually worked!

Kyndal- What's going on?

Me- Basically, Jacob knocked us out, and brought us here, and he left, so me you and Bre are escaping!

Kyndal- Well were are we going?

Me- Well... I know that 2 miles from here, there is a police station, and I would run there, but part of me feels like we need to save the others!

Kyndal- They should be fine! I mean all the kids that were at jail are at base now partyin it up... and there are guys there to protect the girls!

Me- Jacob has a gun Kyndal. The show isnt even on air anymore for our fans! Jacob shot Justin and the producers!

Kyndal- That crazy ass nigga. Omg!

*Bre ran back into the room*

Bre- Yo! The lights are on, but we can't stay here Peyton.... so we should turn them off so Jacob wont suspect anything when he comes in here! it'll buy us some extra time too.

Me- Okay, well do you know where we should go?

Bre- Yeah... we need to go to the police. If we go back for the others right now... I dont think any of us will make it.

Kyndal- okay... let's do this!

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