Destroy the Jewel

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*w/ Ray and Bahja*

Bahja- *gasp* Why did you do that Ray!?!

Ray Ray- I think Roc and Peyton have a thing going on, and I already know you and Princeton are on your last leg, am I right?

Bahja- Well, you're right about me and Princeton, I was going to officially break up with him later. But wait, how do you know about Roc and Peyton?

Ray Ray- Well, before the game started and we were getting ready, me and Peyton were talking in our room, and you know us, we keep a very honest relationship. Well, she admitted that she kinda likes Roc, so and I also admitted that I thought you were really cute Bahja. 

Bahja- Wait, so are yall officially broken up?

Ray Ray- No, see, Peyton decided that we wait until after the man hunt game to see if our feelings for you guys changed. I just got a text from her on my unicorn and it said that her feelings for Roc are getting stronger. Turns out, my feelings for you have also gotten stronger. We decided it would be best if we split up.

Bahja- Aww! But yall were so cute together! I dont know Ray, I mean... I like you too, but you and Peyton have been dating since 8th grade, and now 2 years later.... you want to break up!?

Ray Ray- Yes. It was mutual Bahja! She's still my bestfriend! It's okay!

Bahja- Okay... well are you jealous of Roc and Peyton's relationship?

Ray Ray- Of course not! If Peyton wants to move on, I'll let her! Plus, I really like you Bahja! So, will you give US a chance?

Bahja- Haha of course Ray! You're really mature for acting like that you know?

Ray Ray- Haha! Thanks for giving us a shot Bahja!

*w/ Roc and Peyton walking back to their hideout after chasing Jaden*

Roc- Damn. I cant believe we didnt catch him!

Peyton- I know right! He's FAST!

Roc- Yeah! Hey, where did Prodigy go!? He's not under the porch!

Peyton- Hmm Idk!

*They got settled in under the porch again*

Roc- So... as I was saying, yeah... I kinda have a crush on you Peyton.

Peyton- Same.

Roc- Yeah, I know you have Ra- wait a second. Did you just say "same"?

Peyton- *Smirks* Yes. Haha

Roc- Oh! Yay!!

Peyton- Hahaha! 

Roc- Well, what about Ray?

Peyton- We kinda broke up. He likes Bahja and I like you, so there isnt really a need for us to date anymore! But he's still my bestfriend, dont worry!

Roc- Haha okay! So... you wanna give us a shot?

Peyton- Roc. I basically just said that.

Roc- Ohh! Yay!!! *pulls her into a tight hug*

*w/ Jaden about to go bail Mariah out of jail*

Okay. What the heck happened? How did I actually get away from Roc and Peyton!?! Oh well! I need to bail my babe out of jail, along with Trevor and Zonnique! Wait, I got a plan, to get back at Jacob! OOOO! This is gonna be GOOD!!!!!!!!!!

*End of POV*

*Jaden ran up to the front porch of the jail, where Zendaya, Mariah, Trevor, and Zonnique*

Jaden- Yo!

Zendaya- OMG! Where is my team!? UGHH!

Jaden- Haha! Zonnique, you okay?

Zonnique- Yeah. Just really pissed at Jacob!

Jaden- Dont worry, I got a plan! But... Zendaya... I need your help.

Zendaya- What!? Mine... umm we arent even on the same team! Why would I help yall out!?

Jaden- Jacob is being the biggest douche EVER! He called Zonnique a bitch, and he is so obsessed with winning this game, that he's losing all of his friends in the process!

Zendaya- Okay... well what's the plan anyways?

Jaden- Basically. Both of our teams need to combine, and we all turn against Jacob! 

Trevor, Mariah, and Zonnique- YEAH!!!

Jaden- What do you think Z?

Zendaya- Well, us cheetahs like to have fun... Im sure Kenya will agree! I'll text her to come here!

Jaden- Perfect! And if Jacob texts anyone, no one answer! This will work!

Mariah- Wait, so... if we are gonna combine teams, what should the name be?

Jaden- Let's wait till Kenya gets here for that.

Mariah- Okay!

*W/ Kenya and Princeton in the woods*

Kenya- hey bae...

Princeton- Yeah?

Kenya- I just got a text from Zendaya, she said to go to jail, and it's urgent! *She started to run*

Princeton- Wait... *he gently grabs her wrist*

Kenya- What Princeton? We gotta- *she got cut off by him kissing her*

Princeton- Sorry. I just... I missed you so much Kenya. Can we please not run? I want to enjoy this moment with you.

Kenya- Okay Princeton, but it's 11:30 so... i swear there better not be any creeps out here in the woods!

Princeton- Dont worry, I'll protect you Kenya!

Kenya- Prince...

Princeton- Yeah?

Kenya- I am so glad we-  AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Suddenly someone came out of a bush and pinned Kenya up against a tree, leaving a shocked Princeton in the middle of the trail* 

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