the short chapter

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*The night is still young and it's still only about 10:30. No one could go to sleep from hearing Peyton yell every now and then. All of her friends were worried about her. Ray Ray was going crazy. He was so worried he started throwing up, then running around and throwing things. Zendaya tried to calm him down but nothing was working.*

Zendaya- Ray Ray! Calm down! Shhh.... it's going to be okay!

Ray- How can I calm down when my girlfriend is trapped in a room with a player, who is really strong and muscular!? Who knows what he could be doing! Omg... this is terrible!

Zendaya- Look, I know you are really worried about Peyton, but I am trying to figure out what's going on with Diggy and Kenya. I havent heard her scream... I hope she didnt fall under his stupid spell. 

Ray- I dont think she did. Kenya doesnt put up with that kind of shit Zendaya. She puts her foot down. Now dont get me wrong, so does Peyton. The only thing with Peyton though, is that she's so small compared to Roc, and I feel that everything she says to Roc, he would just consider a joke! Im really worried for her Z!

Zendaya- I promise everything will be fine! But look, tomorrow... you need to somehow notify everyone else about what I told you about the Special 8 and what they are planning to do everynight. You basically only have to really worry about Roc, Diggy, Star, and Beauty. The rest of us wouldnt do anything bad, but I also think that Prodigy and Jacob could ruin relationships though...

Ray- Wait, how? I thought you said they were really nice and they werent players?

Zendaya- Ray, you dont get it do you!? If the girls are in a room with one of them, Prod and Jacob would kill a girl with kindness, until they end up falling for them. This show is probably just a way for all of yalls relationships to get destroyed. No one's relationship is safe Ray. You must be careful!

Ray- Me and Peyton have a really strong relationship Z. I would never fall for Star or Beauty, and she would never fall for one of those guys! We arent just boyfriend and girlfriend, we are best friends! No one can take that away from us! Im just worried right now that Roc is forcing her to do things she doesnt want to do. Obviously she is objecting... I mean she's screaming!

*With Jacob Latimore and Mariah*

Mariah- Hey Jacob, I have a question for you... about music

Jacob- Yeah sure... what is it?

Mariah- Can you play any instruments? I mean you are probably one of the best guy singers in our school and all, but I havent really seen you play an instrument before.

Jacob- Well, Im trying to learn how to play guitar maybe. The guitar is a beautiful instrument.

Mariah- Haha I think so too! You know what? I am really happy they put us in a room together Jacob! I feel like I can just tell you anything! Haha!

Jacob- Yeah I feel the same way! Actually though, I need your advice on something

Mariah- Okay! Shoot!

Jacob- Umm what's your friend's name...the one who is tall with long black hair?

Mariah- Oh! That's Kenya! Why?

Jacob- Well... I think she's very pretty, and I want her to be my girlfriend

Mariah- Aww Jacob that's really cute, but she is going out with Princeton... and you know that!

Jacob- Umm... Mariah, I doubt they will be together by tomorrow morning

Mariah- Umm why do you think that?

Jacob- Princeton is sharing a room with Bahja! Bahja and Zonnique are the real definition of sluts! Trust me, Kenya and Princeton wont be together in the morning. Same with Kyndal and Trevor too since Zonnique is in a room with Trevor.

Mariah- Omg... this is terrible! And I actually believe you too when you say they probably wont be together in the morning. I mean hey, teenage boys just can't control their hormones like that... but omg I feel so bad for Kenya and Kyndal! They have no clue what's about to happen! UGH! I hate this show! How come we have to give Justin our phones every night!? Omg... :( I just feel so bad for them

Jacob- Yeah i know... but you don't see what's about to happen do you?

Mariah- What?

Jacob- Mariah.... we switch rooms every single night... Jaden, your boyfriend, WILL be in a room with Bahja or Zonnique at least once! Heck... maybe even twice!

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