Hate the Playas

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*Finally it is time. 10 p.m is here and everyone now has to stay in their rooms. Once again, the pairs are: Prodigy and Kyndal, Bahja and Princeton, Roc and Peyton, Zonnique and Trevor, Jacob Latimore and Mariah, Breuanna and Jaden, DIggy and Kenya, and Zendaya and Ray Ray. Right before they all got put into their correct rooms, Justin had told them one important factor before he finally left and the cameras began running. He had told them that "The Special 8" were allowed to share their secrets, if they wanted to, only during the night time.*

*With Ray and Zendaya*

 *Ray's POV*

So, I just got out of the shower and threw on a t-shirt and some basketball shorts. I finally stepped out of the bathroom and saw Zendaya sitting on the bed. I was perfectly fine sharing a room with her tonight. She seems like the only one here that isn't acting crazy, well out of the Special 8 at least. She's pretty cool too, she's really chill and a nice person to talk to. Maybe I can find out some other information about the others, since they can reveal secrets at night. I also have to find things out cause I know our fans are watching through the High School app.

Ray- Hey Zendaya!

Zendaya- Hey Ray! What's up?

Ray- Ehh, not much. But hey... I have some things that are on my mind... *He sat down on the bed next to Zendaya.*

Zendaya- Okay, what is it?

Ray- Okay.. first off, how come it seems like you are the only sane one, out of the Special 8? 

Zendaya- Well basically, I am. I am the only normal one here, and I also dont have a big secret like the others.

Ray- Wait, then how come you are on the show? I thought there had to be 8 of us with out a big secret, and 8 of us with a secret!

Zendaya- I am on here to help you guys... They needed a person on here basically to fill yall in on everyone else's secrets... I think that's why they put us in a room together though... the producers knew that you will probably tell the others what they need to know.

Ray- Okay, well what exactly do I need to know?

Zendaya- Well... as of right now, your girl friend and Kenya are in trouble. Peyton is in a room with Roc and Kenya is in a room with Diggy. Their secrets are pretty dumb im not gonna lie, it's that they are MAJOR players. Basically tonight, they are gonna try to get with them Ray. Sorry to say this, but tomorrow, Peyton may not be your girlfriend... if she's faithful though, she will be of course.

Ray- OMG. This sucks! Why the hell would they try to steal our girlfriends though? Roc is dating Zonnique and isnt Diggy dating you?! This makes no sense at all!

Zendaya- Well, we arent really dating. None of us are. They made us say that to make yall calm during the day and so you wouldnt think about any of us cheating on each other. 

Ray- Okay. So Diggy and Roc are players... what about the other guys? Do we need to worry about them?

Zendaya- Prodigy and Jacob? No. I'm not going to tell you their secrets, but you don't have to worry about them. They are sweethearts. However... you guys also need to watch out for Bahja and Zonnique. They are sluts, however... that's not their secrets, but they will try their hardest to break up all of your relation ships. Basically, once this show is over, yall will be very lucky if one couple stays together!

Ray- Damn. This is terrible. Wait, what about Breuanna? You didnt mention her...

Zendaya- Okay, so you always see Breuanna, Zonnique, and Bahja together in school right?

Ray- Yeah..

Zendaya- Well basically, Breuanna is innocent as ever, but Zonnique and Bahja are trying to teach her their ways of being sluts. Around them she plays along, but away from them, she is full of fun and would NEVER act like they do! Yall dont have to worry about her either. However, she does have a secret too. 

Ray- Okay. Ughh, I still cant get over this! My baby is trapped in a room with a player!!! Ughh!!!!!! What if-

*he hears Peyton's scream*

Ray- PEYTON!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Ray runs to the door and stars kicking and banging the door, but it's no use. He can't get leave the room until a little less than 12 hours from now.*

*With Peyton and Roc*


*Peyton was standing near the edge of their bed and Roc was holding onto her wrist while he sat on the edge of the bed.*

Roc- Come on Peyton. Ray doesn't have to know! Plus, I can be a way better boyfriend than him. You are just so beautiful... *he stands up in front of her* come on Peyton... just one little kiss, that's all... *he kissed her on the cheek*

Peyton- No! Now leave me alone Roc! You know what... forget it! Im going to bed! *She marched over to the night stand and got into the bed under the covers*

*Roc sighed and then got into the bed next to her.*

*Roc's POV*

I just don't get it! No girl has ever turned me down like this! I mean, normally they would have given in after just one kiss on the cheek. She's probably just playing hard to get! But hey... I know EXACTLY what to do.    *I then placed my arm around her waist, since she was turned away from me.*

*End of POV*

Peyton- Don't touch me Roc. I am trying to sleep! Now quit it! I have a boyfriend! And you have Zonnique!

Roc- We lied about all of our relationships Peyton. And trust me... Ray is nothing compared to me.

Peyton- I dont care. Just shut up so I can sleep.

*Suddenly, Roc got closer to Peyton (whose back was still turned) and kissed the back of her neck. Peyton immidately got up and ran to the door. She banged and kicked at the door.*

Peyton- GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

*With Kenya and Diggy*

*Heared Peyton screaming*

Kenya- *gasp* OMG did you hear that?

Diggy- Oh it's fine bae, she probably just saw a roach or something...

Kenya- Umm I doubt it... and stop calling me that! Im not your bae! Im dating Princeton! He's supposed to be your friend! Is this how you treat all of your friends' girlfriends?

Diggy- Only the fine ones!

Kenya- You are unbelieveable... *She went over to the bed and layed down while Diggy continued to put away his last few snap backs.*

Diggy- You know Kenya... you are really pretty, I think you can do better than Princeton.

Kenya- Oh, so you think I deserve you? Umm.. how about NEVER! 

Diggy- *Walked over and got into the bed with Kenya* Oh ma, so you wanna play like that huh?

Kenya- No... I dont wanna play at all! Get that through your head boy! I dont want you! I have a man!

Diggy- Your man doesnt compare to the type of man I am.

Kenya- Oh and what kind of man are you?

Diggy- The type that wouldnt hurt you. Im the type that would be your bestfriend as well as  your boyfriend, someone you can count on to always be there for you.

Kenya- That is EXACTLY how Princeton is. Now if you excuse me... Im trying to sleep!

Diggy- You know... you are cool. You also have pretty hair *Started stroking her hair*

Kenya- *gasp* OMG quit! Leave me alone and don't touch me! I'm warning you!

Diggy- Or what!? *he grabbed her waist*

*At that moment, Kenya couldn't take it anymore, she slapped her as hard as she could across his face. All he could do was blankly stare ahead of him.*

Diggy- Forget you. There are 7 other fine girls in this house, and one if them will be mine before this show is over. You're gonna regret that Kenya. *He turned around and went to sleep. Kenya went to sleep with a smile on her face, knowing she totally just put him in his place.*

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