The Special 8 vs. The Normal 8

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Everyone- *GASPS*

*There, sitting at the large dinning room table, were the new members of the show. Sitting at the table they saw familiar celebrities that they have met; Prodigy, Beauty, Roc Royal, Star, Jacob Latimore, Babydoll, Diggy, and Zendaya.*

Justin- Surprise guys!!! We brought the other 4 couples early!

Ray- Hey guys! What's up!? Prod, Roc... yall didnt tell us yall were gonna be on this show too!

Prodigy- Yeah, we wanted to surprise yall!!!

Zendaya- Yep! We all did!

Justin- Okay well, actually... dinner isnt ready. The cooks havent even began preparing it actually, so it may be another hour or two. However, since yall are all here and anxious, I'll explain and answer all of your questions  about the show! For right now, I'll do the best explanation I can, and save your questions until the end okay?

Everyone- Alright

Justin- So... the filming will begin tonight after dinner. Umm let's see... Peyton, Ray Ray, Princeton, Kenya, Jaden, Mariah, Kyndal, and Trevor... I already told yall this, but dont forget it... there is something different about these other 8, but we cant exactly tell you what it is. And Babydoll, Jacob, Diggy, Zendaya, Beauty, Prodigy, Roc, and Star... no matter how close you become with them, you absolutely can't tell them about your secret! Okay... before I continue, any questions?

Babydoll- Umm yeah, what exactly will happen if one of us tells them our secret?

Justin- Well, that I cant tell you. But trust me, you don't want to know.

Ray- Didn't you say that each night, we have to switch room mates?

Justin- Yah, and it still has to be a member of the opposite sex. But the producers will pick for you. Above each bed room is an electronic board, and each night at 8 o clock, it will project who is in each room. Okay, I'll continue with the rest of the explanation now, is that okay?

Everyone- Yeah!

Justin- Okay, so about those electronic boards, they are VERY sensitive devices. It can tell if the right people are in the room, and also, after 10:00pm, you cant leave the room at all. The doors automatically lock, so no matter how terrible your room mate is... you must put up with it. Each room has a bathroom attached to it, so those you can still get to.The bedroom  doors will unlock at 10:00 am each morning, so thats when you are finally able to leave. Every morning, breakfast will already be prepared for you. After breakfast, you guys are allowed to decide what yall wanna do each day. Basically, this show is for all of your fans, we want to show them how your lives really are, for all 16 of yall. But for the special 8, this is to get your secrets out, because we know you always wanted to tell your fans. Am I right?

The Special 8- Yep!

Ray- Okay, I have known Roc and Prodigy for a long time bruh, we are group members! Same with Princeton! Im sure I know all of their secrets Justin!

Roc- *Gives him a dark, mysterious look* Oh trust me Ray, you dont know all of them.

Prodigy- Yeah... we arent what you think we are.

The Normal 8- 0___o 

Kyndal- Umm.... okay... yall are acting really weird. What is going on? Yall never act this creepy! 

Justin- That's part of the reason of this show too, to show you what your friends really are. And as you know, this is only for the week. It's a spring break show! All of your fans have an app called "High School" that shows what yall are doing at all times, High School is the name of the show, but just remember, that since they have that app, yall are ALWAYS being watched, even when it doesnt feel like it! Any more questions?

Everyone- .....

Justin- Okay! Well, like I said, we have like an hour or two more till dinner since this cook is so stupid... But yeah, yall can go chill! I'll still be here for dinner in case yall come up with any more questions!

*All 16 kids all went into the basement and went to the living room area down there.*

Kyndal's POV

I just dont get it at all... I know only Prodigy and Roc spoke up there, but ALL of them just seem so, different! It's actually really scaring me! I know they better not try anything funny with us! Plus... Roc gave me this look, it was like a seductive look. I dont know what is going on at all. It's like my head is spinning. He also gave that look to Mariah! He knows that we are taken, heck, he's taken too! He goes out with Star. Oh gosh Star... ever since she got here... she just looks kind of out of it ya know? Star and Beauty both seem out of it actually. It's so weird though cause they NEVER stop talking to each other! I mean they are best friends! Babydoll... well she seems kinda scared, of Star and Beauty for some reason... but that could just be me. Jacob is kinda acting like Prodigy and Diggy is acting like Roc. He's giving every girl those seductive looks as well. Zendaya is the only one acting normal. She seems as if she is the only one that can actually keep her cool when it comes to these weird secrets these guys have. 

*End of POV*

Mariah- So, are you guys excited to be on this show too?

Diggy- Yeah girl, I got to say though, you guys are lucky you dont have any secrets like ours.

Star- Yeah. Be lucky. 

Kenya- Guys, it's just a secret! Im sure after Spring Break, when we fly back to New York and go back to school, we will all still be friends, and yall will be calm cuz yall finally got your secrets off your chests!

Babydoll- You guys just dont get it do you!? We dont have normal secrets! This show can literally destroy you guys' life, put you in danger, or who knows what!

Jaden- You guys... I bet Justin is making yall say this stuff to freak us out before filming! This is so stupid. We are teenagers. What kind of secrets do yall have that are that huge that they can change our lives!? 

Trevor- Yeah really... this is so made up guys... I bet the secrets are stupid. I bet one of them is that Prodigy is in love with Beyonce or something. 

Jacob- Dude! We are being serious! We are trying to warn yall!

Peyton- Hmm... guys... maybe they are telling the truth!

Beauty- We are! I mean hey, it's better yall know now before the filming and all those fans are watching! 

Princeton- How exactly can we believe yall tho, you know, that yall are actually trying to warn us?

Prodigy- Bro, it's just a warning. It's nothing serious. Yall are acting like we are actually telling our secrets to you now!

Roc- Yeah! Just- 

*Justin's voice came booming on the intercom again*

Justin- Okay guys! This fool actually prepared the meal pretty fast! Come upstairs and eat!!!

*The intercom cut off*

Roc- Welp... before this filming stuff starts... remember, dont act like we didnt warn you guys.

*He walked up the stairs followed by the other 7 kids with huge, life changing secrets, leaving the normal celebrities frozen in their spots in the basement.*

Kenya- Guys... I am really scared. I dont wanna be in a room at night for 12 hours with one of them!

Peyton- Well on the bright side, tonight we are sleeping with the people we picked! We have all day tomorrow to get used to, well... the NEW them.

Mariah- True. But gosh they are acting so creepy! Am i the only one getting seductive looks from Diggy and Roc?

The other 3 girls- OMG GIRL I GOT THOSE TOO!

Princeton- Whoa whoa whoa. They are giving our girls "looks" huh? Yeah... we got a problem. Maybe they are planning to do something, like kill us all!

Everyone else- .... -__- 

Ray- Okay... Princeton, shut up man, come on guys, let's go eat!

*They all go up the stairs prepared to face the tough week. Even though filming didnt begin until that night, they were all terrified. Their fellow peers that they went to school with were acting so different, and no one had an exact explanation why. It would defiantly be a long week for everyone.*

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