I'm Falling

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*The 16 celebrities all ate their dinners and continued asking Justin questions on how this week would be untill about 7:55ish.*

Justin- Oh yeah! I have ANOTHER surprise!

Kyndal- Dang man! How many surprises are we gon get!?!

Justin- This is the last one for today... dont worry! 

Mariah- Okay, well what is it then?

Justin- Okay, so you actually AREN'T going to be sleeping with your friends... we will be picking your room mates tonight as well.

Layla- Nuh uh! Tha's so not cool! You can't do that!

Justin- Oh yeah... and why not huh? It's my show!

Layla- Ughhh.

Justin- Well, now we have like 2 minutes until the pairs are projected on the screens upstairs! Go on up!

Diggy- Well, I don't care who I get paired up with, cause all these girls are FINE.

Roc- Yeah bruh! I hear ya loud and clear!!!

Peyton, Kenya, Mariah, and Kyndal- -___-

Ray- Guys shut up! Yall have girl friends! 

Star- Oh we don't mind! It kinda has to do with their secrets...

Ray- O__o

Kenya- Yall weird... let's just go upstairs and see who we gotta sleep with already!

Zendaya- yeah really! Gosh Kenya... haha they are all so weird!

Kenya- Gurl don't get me started!

*They all went up the stairs into the hallway where all of their rooms were located and read the names above each doorway. The room mates for the first night were: Prodigy and Kyndal, Bahja (Beauty) and Princeton, Roc Royal and Peyton, Zonnique (Star) and Trevor, Jacob Latimore and Mariah, Breaunna (Babydoll) and Jaden, Diggy and Kenya, and Zendaya and Ray Ray.*

Diggy- Well well well, this should be an interesting night! *he shot Kenya a seductive look*

Kenya- Nuh uh Diggy, I aint playing! I have a boyfriend so you better not mess with me boy I swear...

Princeton- Yeah and if you do and I find out about it... well good luck!

Diggy- Oh shut up Princeton! I could beat you up any day!

Princeton- i didnt ask if you could Diggy. Just shut up and dont bother Kenya tonight!

Diggy- Whatever...

Peyton- Welp, guess I'll be moving my stuff into that room!

Everyone else- Yeah. 

*They all split up and started putting their things away.*

*In the room with Prodigy and Kyndal while they are unpacking*

Prodigy- Dang, you smell really good! What perfum you got on girl?

Kyndal- Umm... Im not wearing perfum...

Prodigy- Ahh so you just naturally smell good huh?

Kyndal-... okay you are kinda creepin me out boy. And umm... how can you smell so well? Im literally on the other side of the room!

Prodigy- I dont know... but hey, I can, and I know you smell really great!

Kyndal- -__- Okay. Just please stop saying that OMG. 

*Kyndal suddenly walked over to the bed, that they had to share, and started putting her clothes on the bed. She then heard a noise, turned around, and saw Prodigy falling on top of her. He tripped on one of her converse shoes laying in the middle of the floor. He was now gently laying pressed against her on the bed.*

Kyndal- Umm... can you kind of get off?

Prodigy- Idk... I kinda like it this way. You know, you have really pretty eyes Kyndal.

Kyndal- Thanks Prodigy, now can you please get off?

Prodigy- Ughh fine... *He lifted up off of her*

*Prodigy's POV*

Kyndal is really pretty, if she wasnt dating Trevor, I would be flirting like crazy. Okay, thing is about us "Special 8 crew" we actually aren't really dating the people we say we are. Justin told us that we had to become fake couples, but the only people who know we are fake couples are "the normal 8". Even our fans know us "Special 8" arent really dating eachother. I just don't know what it is about Kyndal tho, but she seems really cool. She's absolutely beautiful. I think she can do better than Trevor honestly, he barely even talks to her... but she seems to like him. I think I could be a better boyfriend though. I would treat her right, never hurt her, I would sing to her everynight until she falls asleep, make her breakfast... wait a second... I'm falling for Kyndal!

*End of POV*

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