Look into the camera and POSE!!!!

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*Me and my friends finally made it to L.A.!!! Once we got to the airport, there was a limo waiting there for us, so we got in and the limo took us to this HUGE house (the conjunction house) and there was a guy there standing in the doorway waiting for us. We got out the limo, grabbed our bags, and went over to him.*

???- HELLO! My name is Justin Combs! I am going to be the host of this show!!! So here is the thing, you all must pair up with a member of the opposite sex and pick a room to sleep in. There are 8 rooms, and only four pairs as of right now. Tomorrow, there will be 4 more couples to join you guys, and that is when the filming will begin! Every night that you guys are here, you have to switch who you share rooms with, but it still needs to be with someone from the other gender. Oh, and the other 8 people that are coming tomorrow, aren't exactly like you guys... They are... different, but we can't tell you how. That's for you to figure out! Welp, go get settled in and pick your rooms and come back down stairs in 1 hour and we will have dinner and I will answer any questions.

*The group of 8 went up the stairs*


Ray- NUH UH!!! Me and Peyton are picking first!!!!!!!!!!

Kyndal- Not if I beat you there!!!!!!! *They both run up the rest of the stairs screaming*

Jaden- Remind me again how I am friends with them....

Trevor- Yeah.... haha idk how I handle Kyndal, but haha she's so cute when she's crazy :)

Peyton- Haha that's exactly how I feel about Ray!

Kenya- Okay guys, after we pick out our rooms, let's all meet together in another room and talk things through about how this week needs to work out and stuff

Princeton- Yeah! I am actually worried about this reality t.v. show, I dont want it to ruin friendships guys... yall are my bestfriends!

Mariah- Aww same here Princeton, yeah we will have a group discussion!

*They all go and pick out their rooms, Ray beat Kyndal to the largest room, so Peyton and Ray are going to share that room. After everyone picked their rooms, they all met in one of the extra rooms that would soon be filled with a new couple.*

Ray- So why exactly are we having this talk?

Princeton- Look, I don't want anything that happens on this show to ruin our friendship

Kyndal- We won't let that happen. We can't. You guys are my bestfriends!

Everyone else- Same

Jaden- I'm just kinda concerned with what Justin said about the other 8 coming tomorrow... he said they werent like us.

Peyton- Maybe he just meant that they werent celebrities

Mariah- But this is a show for only teen celebs right?

Kenya- That's what I thought, but we can ask him again at dinner!

Jaden- Yeah true, but the way he said it... it sounded REALLY suspicious guys. I feel like everything he says does, like it all means something, but he wont come out and say what it is.

Kyndal- You know... I kinda feel that way too!

Ray- Okay, how about this... ummm Peyton, you and umm Trevor, can look at his facial expressions. I know you guys can read faces well and tell if they are lying and stuff.... Jaden and Kyndal, yall pay REALLY close attention to what he's saying, Princeton and Mariah, yall listen along too, cuz well, I trust Jaden will listen, but not Kyndal... yall know how she is!

Kyndal- HEY!!!! Hahaha, well what are you and Kenya gonna do?

Ray- Easy! We'll ask the questions! We are the best ones for that job!!!

Kenya- True!!!! *High-fives Ray Ray*

Mariah- Okay, also, we have to be as kind as possible to the other 8, and watch out, cause you know how reality shows are... they try to take the dumbest thing ever and turn into the worst thing you can imagine!

Princeton- Like what? Give us an example

Mariah- Okay... let's say Peyton lost her sock right, and the other day I complimented her socks, and Peyton automatically assumed it was me. Well, I didnt do it, the producers took it just to create drama cause the show was too boring!

Jaden- Oh yeah! Yep, that will probably happen a few times! The only people we really need to worry about causing a big scene about it though is Kyndal, Ray, and Peyton... yall tend to be loud and have an attitude sometimes.


Trevor- Ray, it's okay, he's just being dumb.... *smiles at Jaden to let him know he's just kidding*

*Suddenly a beep went off, and then through a speaker in the house, came Justin's voice*

Justin- Attention! Celebrities! It's time for dinner! Come down stairs and into the dining room!!!

*The speaker cut off*

Trevor- Okay guys, it's show time... everyone remember your jobs!!! We are going to figure out what is going on before the other 8 get here!

Everyone else- Got it!

Peyton- Okay crew, let's go!

*They all head down the stairs, all the guys have their arm wrapped around their girlfriend's shoulder. They enter the dinning room and find something else...*

Everyone- *GASPS*

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