"Keep it like that, because if I catch you on my daughter like that again, I won't hesitate to blow your fucking brains out." He lifted his dress shirt to show me his gun in his waist. His phone started ringing. "Hello...Hey Jay...Nothing...I'll be home on Sunday, I have to handle business for a few days ...mhm...Ok bye love you." He turned his attention towards me. "And if you tell her I'm in the drug game, you're gonna have a long painful death homie." I stared at him with my glare. He was a little taller than me and buff.

"She doesn't know about you or wife being the biggest drug lords in the world?" I questioned.

"No, Jay and her older sister Janelle doesn't know about it and I didn't tell them because I didn't want them to be any type of danger." I nodded. He handed me a duffle bag full of coke. "Sell this by the end of the week and you will get paid quadruple." I nodded to took the bag home.


I woke up on Saturday doing my early runs and sold the majority of coke. I got call from an unknown number. I was reluctant to answer but I did it anyways.

"Hello." I said through the receiver.

"Hello sleepy head." I heard Jay's voice. I guess she heard my exhaustion in my voice. "Do you want to hang out today?"

"Hang out?" I questioned.

"Yes. Hang out like we can take a ride in my new car." I have never been asked to hang out. This 'friendship' thing is still new to me.

"I gotta check with my boss first. If he says its ok, then yea."

"Alright text me later."

"Alright." We hung up. I called Drake.

"Drake, Can you do me a favor?"

"Yea what?"

"Can you cover for me when boss needs me?"

"Yea sure."

"Thanks man." He was really my right hand man.

"No problem." We hang up. I sent Jay the ok to hang out. I took the time to wash away the grime from my body and get dressed.

"Who you getting dress for?" I can tell my mom was a little drunk. I'm just glad she was awake.

"I'm going to hang out with my friend?" It came out as a question because I didn't know if Jay considered me a friend.

"Boy or girl." She lit a cigarette. She raised her eyebrow. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Girl." I heard a car honk. I opened the door.

"Are you just gonna stand there or you gonna get in?" Jay said to me. I laughed and walked out towards her car.

"Have fun and don't get her pregnant." My mom said through the doorway. I mugged my mom.

"Nice mom. Such a charmer." She laughed. She drove off.

"Stop." I laughed with her.

"What the hell did you make me go see?" Jaylah said. It was eleven o'clock at night and we've been hanging out all day.

My Bad Ass White Boy Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ