1: A Muggy Of Apple Juice

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It was sundown on the streets.

Overshadowed by a darkening sky and sullen wind, the winding road was deserted. Such a hush, yet someone traveled through with two shopping bags carried in either hand.

An easy target, in the eyes of a mugger who was down on his luck.

Muggy had been beaten up by a harmless-looking girl that morning, you see. Though he'd made off with her handbag, he still had her hand imprint flushed across his face.

And now he stalked with a staggering limp. If the pain persisted down there for much longer, he'd definitely need to see a doctor about it.

But anyway, back to the main plotline. Muggy was trailing after this second harmless-looking fellow, unaware that he was being followed too.

The "harmless looking fellow" paused for a moment, and then took a sharp turn into the nearest alley.

Muggy thought that this person was very stupid. For blatantly carrying shopping through a tough part of town, and in the middle of the night no less.

It was almost as if that guy wanted to be robbed.

Muggy spat in his hands and rubbed them together. Something in those bags had to hold value. And even if they didn't, there was probably money in the lad's pockets.

He adjusted the front of his trench coat, then followed with a ratty grin on his face, pulling a tarnished knife from the belly of an inner pocket.

Muggy made his move, lunging heavily and pushing the "harmless fellow" against one of the alley's graffitied walls.

"Gimme all your stuff or I'll slit your throat, pretty boy!"

The victim smiled. His teeth were nightmarishly sharp - points interlocking like a shark's.

"Found you."

And then he disappeared.

The bags dropped to the ground and toppled over. They were filled with large cartons of fresh apple juice and nothing more. No valuables or any other shopping.

Muggy stumbled back, understandably stupefied. The fellow had just... Flickered out of existence.

Tap! Tap! Tap! Tap! Quick, light footfalls behind him.

A silhouette leaped inhumanly high into the air; swinging a reaper-like scythe over their shoulder. Piercing red eyes - luminescent in the shade. 

Muggy chose the wrong time to turn around and look up. What he did see was the last thing he ever saw, which looks better when you see it in mind's eye.

The killer made quick work of Muggy - who didn't contribute much to society except maybe some funding for the alcohol industry - and then picked up the shopping bags without missing a beat.

The "harmless fellow who was apparently not-so-harmless after all" was replaying a flashback in his mind, although you wouldn't know that unless you were psychic and/or very skilled at mind reading.

Oi! Some pudgy arse stole my handbag!

That's... Nice?

He left the scene without looking back. Blood ran through the pavement's gaps and went all over the place, pouring out into the street. How long would it be before someone discovered the body?

No, it's not nice! It's probably been sold into the black-market handbag trade or something!

What does this have to do with me...?

In ironic timing, the streetlamps burst to life, adding to sunset's warm light and casting blurry shadows into the foreboding blood-soaked alleyway.

I don't know! Just- Just avenge my poor handi-bag! I don't care what you do - just do something!

The glowering scythe glistened as fresh blood swirled down and around its handle, which had something stamped on it in tarnished gold letters.


Fine. I'll "avenge" your handbag. What was inside it, by the way?

Oh, just a marble. I don't carry important stuff on hand. Here, take my scythe! And bring back some apple juice while you're at it!

Here's a plot twist for ya: This is actually an Author's Note, disguised as something interesting to make sure you'd pay attention! Well, since you're still here, thank you for deciding to continue!

(I failed the 50K-story-in-one-month challenge, of course!) Comments and votes are gold, but having a dedicated reader is the best treasure of them all!

Starring all 'dem nutcase that we love so much! And me. And of course, my OC, Smirky. If you don't know who he is, then you're gonna have a bad time. *eye glows blue*

Hehehe! Undertale references aside, here's a "quick" recap of events to bring you up to speed.

Recap of Events:
L.J discovered that Doctor Smiley had a twin brother.
Said twin brother was a dentist and tried to kill Smiley during an appointment after a fateful encounter.
Tracked down Smiley and tortured him ruthlessly for a grudge unknown.
Was (literally) torn in half by L.J.
Revived by Zalgo as a sharp-toothed crazy thing possessing genjutsu- I mean- illusionary powers.
Used said powers to try and kill Smiley - ended up stabbing L.J with a cursed dagger for Zalgo.
Got knocked out and taken prisoner on the same day.
Was slowly brought back down to reality through pure insanity.
Ended up saving L.J and Smiley, and was severely injured.
Now lives at the mansion and "swears" to have cut ties with Zalgo.
Damn. That's long.

So let's see... Hello, to my new readers and, 'does anyone remember what BEN drowned in?' To mah old (as in best!) ones! XD

[Disclaimer: I don't own any of the creepypastas. Only myself (Phantom) and Smirky. And all the yummy apple juice. But I do own this story - so no sticky fingers!]

[Sidenote For My Loyal Readers: Yes... L.J is still obsessed with his nose, just as much as BEN is with his yum-yums. May have a guest appearance from the ghost of C/N at some point.]

[Extra Sidenote For My Mother: Yes, that flashback conversation was between Phantom and Smirky. Yes, it was Smirky who used an illusion to lure out the mugger and then "gently beheaded" him. Love ya!]

~ Toodle-doo!

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