19: The Eyeless Apple Speaks

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Smiley returned to the mansion with colourful splatters on his coat and a briefcase full of jars. What exactly was inside them is definitely something that Phantom doesn't want to expand on.

He tiredly waved hello to Smirky (who was lolitering outside of the surgery), and stepped in without another thought. Naturally, his brother just turned his head the other way with a scoff.

The not-so-good doctor froze in his tracks before he was fully inside the surgery. His eyes darted left and right frantically; trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

An anguished scream sent Smirky strolling in to investigate. For once, he hadn't been the cause of it and that made him curious. However, when he saw it, he *almost* screamed too.

Doctor Smiley grasped the doorframe as his knees buckled from underneath him. Horror dominated his facial features. Smirky took a fearful step back, making prayer signs with his shaky hands.

"There's... There's so much... I've never seen anything like this before..."

Sally politely pushed her way past the two stunned doctors and went off in a merry little skip, swinging Charlie to-and-fro.

The whole surgery was decked out with colourful pink ribbons, there was glitter smeared on the walls and the operating table had been turned into a messy tea-party-table.

Thud. Smiley fell and started beating his fists on the floor, crying a river of tears.

He took another look around the place and only wailed louder.

Looking slightly freaked out, Smirky edged around his tantrum-throwing twin and made a beeline for the bathroom. Fresh scratches adorned his neckline, peeking over the collar of his loose shirt.

Only moments after the illusionist creepypasta had locked himself in with a first aid kit, Toby came trailing into the room, looking a bit confused.

"S-Slenderman? Wh-Where a-are y-you?"

All of a sudden, the faceless creepypasta arrived in a glob of teleportation-ness. "Forgive me, child. I forgot of my abilities."

Behind his back, a tentacle was wrapped firmly around the holey rubber ducky, hiding it out of sight. Another tentacle was stroking it fondly.

Toby stood erect and looked around with an air of... Bewilderment. "W-W-Where d-did E-Eyeless Ja-Jack g-go?"

Amusingly, the goggle-loving proxy had failed to notice Smiley, who was now currently splayed out under his feet, trying to make some sign of life or just generally breathe.

There was a low moan of pain from underneath the tea party- er- operating table. Then E.J crawled out, looking even worser for wear than before.

"She's dangerous." He was dripping florescent pink goo all over the place and his blue mask had been replaced with a bunny one.

"I'm so sorry child," Slenderman said insincerely.

"What did you let her do to my precious bedroom?!" The not-so-good doctor wailed.

Well, before the plotline could resume (and E.J could give his explanation), everyone in the vicinity had to calm down Smiley because he seemed on the verge of going rabid.

Since Phantom was already getting bored of that, she decided to flip the coin and show everyone what the other group of lunatics were up to.

And so - we move on towards the dramatic hate triangle between Jeff, BEN and Jane.

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