47: Apples Are Sweet; Sorrows And Deceit

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Memories subsided; bored of him; they severed their airtight grip around his head and slid back into shadow.

Hiding his face in the monochrome clown's feathery shoulders, Smiley begged to, somehow, in some way - disappear.


Sink through the floor, vanish into a dark void, and never be seen again. The not-so-not-so-good doctor's voiceless breath hitched.

In mind'd eye, he was being hunted by a pack of enraged wolves; and their scarlet eyes were cold, and glistening strands of spittle flew from their heavy jowls.

Moment to minute, the heat of their breath got warmer, swirling down the nape of his neck. Their rugged paws hit the ground in beat, their lunges becoming bolder...

If he couldn't fix what he'd done, the damn guilt was going to kill him like a poison.

A gradual poison – the kind that slithered alongside the blood in your veins, slowly growing toxic, slowly paralysing, slowly dancing on the skeletal palm of grim reaper.

Smiley jerked his head semi-upright, intending to turn around and pull himself up against the wall, no matter how much the floor seemed to be tilting sideways.

Before he could follow through with his plan, Laughing Jack hooked a dark claw into the collar of his blood-splattered coat and tugged him back.

"You've been through a lot today," he muttered, "Don't move."

No! A migraine throbbed at the front of his skull. Smiley squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head frantically. He couldn't sit and rest! His brother was still out there somewhere, and Zalgo had a new plan that needed to be foiled-

The not-so-good doctor forcefully yanked the coat out of L.J's grip.

Attacked by a harsh recoil from the sudden movement, his entire field of vision shifted like a bottle full of sand. Dizzy dots circled about. It was too much. He sat still.

I just need a minute to recover...

Just a minute...

A minute...


Laughing Jack sighed as Smiley's eyes drooped shut, and gravity weighed him down like a heavy, heavy chain. His injured hand rested lightly over his chest. The fractured joint jostled with each breath he took. From exhaustion, his face was turning paler.

I told him not to exert himself... and he's the doctor!

The monochrome clown tutted and pulled his fainted friend from the floor.

Carrying him wasn't the problem, but getting out without bumping into any unwanted company would a challenge. Still, it wasn't impossible.

L.J took a deep breath and leant back, allowing himself a short rest before the perilous – tedious - journey ahead.

His hand was in his pocket, toying with the pen that Smiley had written with, turning it over and over (he didn't click it.) A tiny red LED light shone through a crack in the bottom.


With a sickening splat, red spiderweb patterns splayed across the walls. Blood drip, blood splatter. The web melted into falling drizzles of crimson.

It pooled to the bottom, but the floor was already dyed red...

He numbly inclined his head downwards. The blood belonged to him. His heart was there, and it wasn't beating. Raw power kept his veins alight, kept him standing in his place.

We're All Crazy Here! [Creepypasta Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora