43: A Doctor Apple's True Guilt

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A cunning trap; a false cloak; the chains around his wrists looked ordinary, when, in reality, they were electrified.

Smiley desperately shook his head, begging, pleading with his friend to not touch them. Nothing was heard. His throat locked around his words.

He couldn't utter a sound.

In helpless silence, he listened to L.J's claws experimentally tapping around the walls, getting a feel of this place of imprisonment.

"Are you here, 'ol pal 'ol buddy 'ol friend?"

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Sound of claws touching up a wall, or a clock nearing the end of its cycle?

The moment the monochrome clown laid hands upon the chains, he'd be shocked with enough voltage to kill a horse.

Only a matter of time.

Zalgo may have been prime candidate for the world's most incompetent villain, but when he meant business... he meant serious business.

And today; his business was keeping Smiley prisoner.

Electrified restraints hadn't been the only trick up the demon's sleeve, oh no.

The not-so-good doctor had a muzzle strapped around his face, weighing down his head, keeping his transforming teeth behind iron and leather.

He couldn't breathe much.

It was the most uncomfortable thing imaginable, ranked next to finding a nude BEN sitting at the foot of your bed, slowly eating a chocolate-coated banana while staring you straight in the eye.

We're not sorry about giving you that mental image.
Here – have some brain bleach. Our new shipment arrived yesterday.

(Word count, word count, boosty, boost, boost! ;))

Now where was I? Oh yes; L.J blindly groping a wall while unwittingly nearing closer and closer to a... shocking surprise.

"If you aren't Smiley... D'ya know where I could find him?"

The not-so-good doctor considered throwing another tantrum against his rigged chains. They'd made an awful crackle last time, almost like a snap.

Was it worth the pain?

Almost as if reading his deranged mind, the chains fizzled. The vibrating buzz forced its way into his ears, driving him just a little closer to the edge.

The truth was, Smiley had reached a line, a boundary. The boiling point, the camel's back about to be broken by a straw, call it whichever you like.

He was dragging himself to his own grave.

In order for you to understand, we must go back to before this insignificant little buzzing sound. Before L.J entered the cell. We must rewind time.

No, not with an ocarina.

Back about... five minutes or so should do it. When L.J was still standing dumbfounded in the hall, and Smiley was- well...

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