4: Apples Tumbling Off The Tree

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A little blonde figure crawled stealthily across the slippery floor, dragging himself one inch after the other.
If I can prove my usefulness, Slenderman will unground me!

BEN slowly stood up straight and pulled himself up onto the porcelain throne's lid, using it as leverage to climb further. And helping L.J keep a lookout for suspicious activity is the golden ticket!

The elf bent his knees and jumped up, grabbing the shower rail. He hoisted himself up and peeked over the edge.

Jane was taking a shower.

By chance, she glanced up and immediately screamed, throwing a hand over her personal parts. Her shock was soon replaced with sizzling anger, evident by her tone. "You- You pervert!"

Before BEN could retreat, she grabbed him by the throat and yanked him in, raising a scrubbing brush high over her shoulder.

Over the sound of running water, one could've heard a little squeak of "m-mercy?" This was followed by a lot of strange sounds that resembled someone getting beaten to a pulp.

A rubber ducky squeaked amongst the chaos.

Then a flailing green blur flew over the shower railing, shooting across the floor on its bum and through the ajar door with a wail. "I'M SOOOORRRRY-" Wham!

While BEN was knocked out cold from colliding headfirst with a wall, L.J was busy with conducting his own, more proper investigation.

The monochrome clown knocked on everyone's door, though some of the creepypastas had already left for the night's killing.

Ticci Toby was still hanging around for some reason or another - but he didn't know anything except how to roast waffles in the toaster.

L.J just left him to do his own weird little things in the kitchen.

Next on his list was Smiley and Smirky. He wasn't looking forward to socialising with the former. He really wasn't.

The not-so-good doctor "had" been attending to Dark Link, until L.J sprang into existence within the surgery in a burst of candy.

Smiley jolted in surprise and put a hand over his chest. The same couldn't be said for Darkness, who gave a little hiccup and tumbled backwards off the surgery table.

"What in the name of- Oh." Smiley's scarlet eyes were studying L.J's nose carefully. After deducing that it wasn't squashed, bent or broken in any way, he continued in a politer tone. "Can I help you?"

"Where's Smirky?" The monochrome clown asked. Then he gingerly took a step back as Dark Link attempted to hug his leg. The shade's cheeks were rosy - he was far past tipsy.

"My perfect angel of a twin? He's in the bathroom... I think..." Smiley cupped his chin in one hand thoughtfully, his eyes sliding up. "He might've left without my noticing. I was otherwise... Preoccupied."

The doctor looked down disdainfully at Dark Link, who was randomly rolling around on the floor while meowing like a kitten and happily pawing at the air. Half of his tongue was lolling out too.

L.J delicately stepped over the "tipsy" creepypasta and rapped his knuckles on the spotless door in rapid succession.

"Hey! Hey, sharp-toothed crazy thing! Where were you today?"

No answer. A waiting game, maybe?

"I'm a neko!" Dark Link announced, rolling onto his belly with a raspy laugh. His pristine white hair was tangled into crazy locks.

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