5: Memories Of An Eyeless Apple (Part One)

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The monochrome clown was beginning to look impatient. It showed on his face - and by the way he was scratching a deep groove into the arm of his wooden chair.

"So Eyeless Copycat mentally told you some things about getting attacked before Smiley knocked him out for surgery?"

"That is correct, child."

There was a very awkward pause. In the meantime, Jeff was kneeling on the floor, struggling to yank out another piece of taffy from the goo. The sounds that he was making were quite... Suggestive.

Laughing Jack fidgeted with one of his wrist bandages.

"... And?"

Slenderman gave an eyeless blink of confusion. "And what, child?"

Over the sound of Jeff's grunting, L.J's hand connected with his own forehead to create "le epic facepalm." He did well.

"What did that kidney eater say- show- broadcast into your brain?"

"Oh! Oh! Of course - let me show you!"

And then L.J's head filled with static. He groaned loudly and massaged his forehead, slipping straight out of reality faster than BEN's public image after the twerking craze.

This is a flashback. Echoed helpfully in his mind, making him feel like his head was hollow and empty as a pyromaniac's paper cupboard.

He wasn't himself anymore. He was E.J, sneakily creeping across a rooftop terrace under the cold moonlight, whether he liked it or not.

-Why can't this be in third person? The clown complained, mentally.-
-Shut up and watch, Slenderman stated, mentally.-

Thunder flashed dramatically through the dazzling sky. Rain fell like luminous lines of water, setting a bizzarely convenient atmosphere for the scene.

-This atmosphere is bizarrely convenient... L.J trailed off, mentally.-
-Once again, he was mentally scolded and told to shut up and watch.-

So he did. He watched as, in the nonexistent eyes of E.J, a solo silhouette crouching on the rooftop of an apartment complex. A massive caped cloak billowed behind them.

"Halt! Doth not travel through the path of thorns without a blade to guide thee! Wield thy blade and face me in combat!" The cloaked figure announced.

Xir nimbly jumped straight from the roof to meet him face-to-face.

"I shall fight until my last breath!" E.J announced, suddenly hoisting up a massive sword.

As the lightning came crashing down to earth in a mighty thunderclap, their swords collided and a rift split open upon the shackled ground. Which defied the physics of a rooftop altogether.

E.J and the stranger both recoiled in an impossibly large leap, before charging at each other with echoing battle screams. Sparks flew as their swords shattered upon impact.

By now, L.J was just sitting back and regarding the scene with nothing but skepticism. Whatever Slenderman had been reading/watching beforehand seemed to have gone to his brain a little too much.

And it was effecting the mental recall in very bizzare ways, turning it into a quite literal mental recall indeed.

We're All Crazy Here! [Creepypasta Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora