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Chapter 9

'Paris' Pov'

A jumper? What is a jumper? I've never heard of one before, the only jumper I've heard of is the one in that movie.

"A jumper? Like the movie?" I looked at Niall with a weird expression on my face.

"No" he paused. "I'm a time traveler, I can travel to the past but not in the future, Paris I'm not from here I'm from the Other Earth"

The "other earth?" What is he talking about?

"Other earth, what's that?" I asked.

"I can't tell you that" he looked into my eyes.


"Because if I tell you everything from the future it could mess up the time continuum, which means the future could change dramatically and it won't be a good thing, I'm not even suppose to tell you what I'm telling you now"

I looked down at my feet.

"Tell me one thing"

"And that is?" He asked.

"Why do your eyes change color?"

He looked at me then at my wall.

"You know how a mood ring looks right?"

"Yeahh?" I crossed my arms.

"Everyone's eyes in the future changes color when their mood changes, when I'm happy or Umm.. In the "mood" my eyes turn green and when Im mad or upset my eyes turn black, when my eyes are blue I'm in love or I have no emotion" Niall took ahold of my hand.

Once Niall's hand touched mine his eyes started to turn green.

"So how aren't you human?" I asked.

"I was made"

"Isn't everyone made?" I laughed.

"Not like that Paris, I mean someone built me" my eyes wondered to his nicely sculpted face.

"You're a robot?" I raised my eye brows.

"No no no" he hit his head with his hand.

"You don't get it" he laughed.

"You're in the future too"

My body froze when he mentioned I was also there in the "Other Earth"

"How? wouldn't I be dead?"

"No, Paris you are more important then what you think you are, I'm not suppose to tell you this but... You're a jumper too"

My eyes widened, I'm a jumper? How? What? No way I can't be! This kid is crazy!!

"You're fucking crazy! Please leave" I pointed at my door.

"But Paris-"

"NO GET OUT!" I shout.

Niall jumped I could tell my screaming scared him, his eyes didn't turn black they just turned back to blue. Niall got up from my bed and walked out of my room not looking back, I honestly feel bad now but all this is so fucking crazy, he needs to be in a loony Bin or should I?

I walked down stairs to see my mom eating toast.

"Why did Niall leave?" She asked.

"I told him to"

"Why?" She raised her eye brawl.

"Because he's crazy" I looked up at my mom, she was giving me one of her "I'm so mad at you" looks. I don't really care what my mom thinks he's crazy and he needed to leave.


"Paris where did Niall go?" Caleb asked as I walked into his room.

"Home" I sat down on his bed.


"What?" He looked away from his video game to look at me.

"Who was that girl in your room with you the other night?" My eyes wondered around his dirty room.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Who was the girl you were having sex with?" I felt weird asking.

"Oh that, it was Sophie"

My eyes widened, What the fuck? She fucked my step brother and didn't even tell me? How did she even make it back in my house? I saw her walk home with Kristen.

"How did she get in here?"

"The window" he pointed towards his open window.

I could feel my body getting weak, it felt like I had throw up, I can't believe this Eww just Ew!

"Please tell me you are dating her" I closed my eyes.


Oh thank god.

"You know, you aren't as bad as I though you were" I smiled as I got up from his bed.

"Yeah yeah yeah ok get out now" he smiled at me.

I think this has been the first time me and Caleb has had a descent conversation, well not really descent but you know what I mean.


"Wake up Paris time for school" my mom yelled from down the hall.

I lifted my head from my pillow looking at my surroundings. Ugh I don't want to go to school... I got up from my bed and wondered around my room looking for clothes to wear. I picked up a shirt that said free hugs on it and picked up my favorite pair of shorts. I went to my bath room and fixed my hair a little, it wasn't that bad like other mornings, I added a touch of makeup to my skin.

"HURRY UP PARIS" Caleb yelled.

"I'M COMING CALM YOUR TITS" I grabbed my bookbag before walking out of my room.

"Finally" Caleb said as I came down stairs.


"Hey Kristen where's Sophie?" I asked as I walked up to her.

"Over there" she pointed in the Direction where Sophie and Caleb are standing.

"Arn't they cute" Kristen giggled.

"As much as I hate saying this, Yes" I smiled as I saw Caleb kissing Sophie.

I looked around the parking lot and saw a lot of couples kissing, but when I looked over at a certain spot I saw a blonde headed kid looking at me. Niall.

"Hey Kristen ill see you later" she nodded at me and I walked into the school building.


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Now you guys know what a Jumper is... Some of you guessed right (:

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