Chapter 24 - "I'm your father!"

Start from the beginning


"Luca, we just passed the road to my house..."


"And you were going to drop me at my home..."

"Yeah but we're going to make a little stop somewhere before that." He replied casually before turning onto another street.

"Luca!" I protested. "I have to go home!"

"Cindy!" He mimicked my voice, failing horribly. "I have to eat. So," His voice turned back to normal. "Unless you're willing to go back to my place and make me breakfast, we're going to eat out.

"Lucaaa!" I started whining.

"Cindy." He said calmly, stopping the car and putting a finger on his lips as he stared into my eyes sternly. "We're going to get breakfast, okay?"

I stared at him with narrowed eyes but when he didn't budge, I huffed and said "Fiiiiine."

"Good girl." He said, pinching my cheeks then opening his door. "Now come on, we're here."

We had some coffee, sandwiches, and donuts, which Luca paid for against all my protests. We chatted for a while, teased, mocked and got to know a bit more about each other, then Luca dropped me home.

"Thanks for the ride." I said, getting out of his car. "See you later." With that, I started walking towards the door to my house but suddenly stopped with a thought in my mind and turned around. " you...would you like to come in or something?" I asked him sheepishly.

He chuckled. "Well, when you ask so adorably, I can't really resist." He said, turning off the engine and got out of his car.

"Wait, are you serious?!" I asked, my eyes widening as I realized he was actually planning to come in.

"Er..." His eyes narrowed slightly, confusion showing on his face. "Do you not want me to come in?"

"No I didn't mean it like that!" I explained, shaking my head. "I mean that my mom isn't gonna be really cool about me bringing a guy in the house. Neither is my dad but he's not as bad. Still, though, I'm not sure. You're only coming in as a friend though."


"But what if Chelsea or Stella see you?! They'll tell everyone in school and knowing them, they'll definitely spread stupid rumors."

"Cindy you're ranting." He said a little loudly, an amused expression on his face.

I stood quietly for a moment, then sighed, and said "You know what? I don't care what they're gonna do. Just come in." and turned towards the door.

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