The Evil Elsa

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You were in the kitchen making diner with Antonio while Gilbert and Francis were watching TV. They said that after you ate, you could play with ths new toy you got on Christmas. It was an Elsa doll. But for now, you were frosting a cake.

"Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate all over the cake!" you sang as you were rubbing the cake with chocolate frosting with your little cute chubby hands.

"Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate all over the cake! And now its on your face!" sang Antonio sang with you putting a dot of chocolate on your nose. You giggled drawing a mustache on Antonio's face that looks similar to a mexican's.

Antonio smiled not noticing how it looked while you jumped down yelling "Hey guys! Look! Antonio has a mustache~!"

Gilbert, who was the first to get off the couch, walked over to you and then looked at Antonio.

"How do I look~"


((José is mexico, just a note!))

Antonio looked around surprised "WHERE?!!"

Gilbert jumped on Antonio yelling "SNEAK ATTACK!"

Antonio yelled falling to the ground as Gilbert landed on top of him interrogating him saying "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HEEEERRREEE?!?"


You watched them bicker as they shook each other rolling on the ground. Francis rushed in yelling "What I miss?!?"

"Gilbert thinks Antonio is a-"

"JOSÉ?!?!?" Antonio looked up and saw the light slowly fade as Francis jumped up and yelled "SNEAK ATTACK!!!"

Antonio tried to get away but prussia held him down saying "OH YOUR NOT LEAVING UNTIL U TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE DOING HEEEERRREE!!!"

Antonio pointed up and screamed "THE FRENCH ARE COMING!!!!!" Prussia looked up and screamed holding onto Antonio for dear life. A big crash exploded through out the room as they both groaned in pain.

Francis raised an eyebrow and said "Why are you two groaning?  Were not even in bed!"

You tilted your head sideways in confusion and Antonio and Gilbert both hit Francis on the head "NOT IN FRONT OF THE CHILD!!!"

Gilbert looked at Antonio and since the chocolate rubbed off he finally recognized that it was him not José. "WHA?!! WHERES JOSÉ!?!"

Antonio poked Gilbert forcefully on the chest and yelled "HE WAS NEVER HERE!!"

Gilbert put hand to his heart and stuttered "y-you poked m-my heart... "

You and Francis gasped and exclaimed in unison "You poked his heart?!?"

Antonio said "I-I'm so sorry amigo... I didn't mean to-"

Gilbert got up crying and yelled in a wimpish voice "DONT TALK TO ME!!!" He ran out of the kitchen then tripped over a gift and fell on another one. "AHH!"

You, Antonio, and Francis ran to go and see if he was okay and helped him up. Suddenly the gift that Gilbert fell on started to glow red and float in the air.

We all looked and Gilbert accusingly shouted "GILBERT! WHAT DID YOU DOOOOOOO?!?"

Before Gilbert could say anything the present exploded and the BTT yelled "TAKE COVER!!!" but failed falling over presents. You quickly ran to the kitchen watching them tripping on top of each other. You face palmed and shouted "C'mon guys hurry!!!" Pieces of box and wrapping paper shot like bullets at the BTT as they all screamed.

BTT x child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now