Kidnapped-Part 1

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Warning: violence and cursing

You sat down on your bed watching some of the funny videos you had video taped. You were watching the the video you had titled Karaoke Night and were watching them sing "I'm a Barbie Girl! In a Barbie world~ Imagination, life is your creation! COME ON BARBIE LETS GO PARTY!"

You laughed looking at all of you smiling and having fun. "(Y/n)?"
You heard the BTT call for you and quickly got up from your bed turning off the computer.

You ran to the BTT and jumped up behind Antonio on his back screaming "TONI!!!"

Francis and Gilbert laughed at Antonio's expense. "Sorry to tell but that's not a raper, that's just (y/n)." Gilbert said snickering.

"And we don't have a wife." Francis said laughing even more.

"Oh." Antonio said embarrassed and getting you off his back.

"Ready to go for some almost awesome ice cream?!?" Gilbert said bending down to your level.

"Uh huh! Like the almost awesome you!" You said excited smiling innocently.

Francis and Antonio laughed "(She/He) got you there!"

~Time Skip~
~Dairy Queen~

"MY MILK SHAKE BRINGS ALL THE BOYS TO THE YARD!" Gilbert yelled standing up on the table raising his milk shake.

"Shhh! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!" Francis and Antonio said to Gilbert pointing to a crying child that saw him. The child's mother shot a death glare at Gilbert. "Heh heh..." Gilbert sat down beside you drinking his milk shake.

You looked around looking at all of the people and saw a family. A mom and dad were listening as their little girl chattering about how she was going to be a singer. The mom and dad snickered smiling and saying that she could do it no matter what.

Your smile that you always have on faded to a sad one. Your heart dropped down to your stomach like a sinking Boulder in a great big ocean. "Mommy...Daddy..." You said quietly looking down.

The BTT all looked at you. "What was that (y/n)?" Gilbert asked you not really hearing what you said.

You looked up at him with tears in your eyes and yelled "I want mommy and daddy!!" You quickly got up from your seat and ran out the door running to the side of the Dairy Queen. You sat against the wall sobbing. "I miss mommy! I miss daddy! I want them back!"

You heard footsteps walk toward you and looked up. You saw three men that looked almost exactly like Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio.

"You want to know where your mom is?" Françios said looking at you with crossed arms.

You looked at him nodding your head with tears streaming down your face. "A-are you peedo?" You asked looking at him.

"No. I'm françois."

"I'm Andres."


Andre nudged Gilen annoyed. "Say something so we can just take the girl without her kicking and screaming!" He yelled at him angrily.

You looked at him, fear filling up in your chest. T-take me away....? You thought getting more scared at the thought.

"O-oh...I'm Gilen..." He said quiet and in a kind of depressed way.

You stood up with a angry look and yelled "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"

"Listen kid, if you want to see your mom and dad then-ACK!" françois stared to say until you ran to him kicking him in the balls.

"WHY YOU LITTLE FUCK!" Andre yelled with François saying the same thing. Andre grabbed you by the neck chocking you. You coughed and hack trying to pry his hands off with your little weak hands but failed. Everything started to become fuzzy and black.

"ANDRE!" Gilbert yelled now sanding near you and the other three men.

"Ugh, Great!"

"Let go of her!" Antonio screamed his hands curling into fists.

"Godamn it Gilen!" Andre yelled at Gilen with a clenched jaw.

"I-I'm sorry Andre...I just-"

"Shut up! Let's just get out here!" François said still in pain but kind of ok now.

"HEY!" All of the BTT said running toward you.

You looked to them and said "Peedo...Gilbert...Toni...Help..."

Suddenly you disappeared with them blacking out.


So first part done and the second part coming out later ^_^

Suggestion is from @angeldancer2014 and I have to say that I love the idea!!! The second part is going to be more exciting because there's a fight scene!

I Hope you liked it and I wish you external happiness and PAASSSTTAAA!

BTT x child!readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu