The Closets-Francis's closet

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You stood before the door of Francis's room. "I hope it's in here..." You said opening the door and walking in. In like Gilbert's room, it was very clean.

You walked around the room searching all over for your Teddy Cam. You found a red thong under the bed and tilted your head.

"Oh! ITS A HAT!" You proclaimed and put it on your head. Standing in a pose. You laughed and remembered what you were searching for.

You stopped and opened Francis's closet. You looked in the closet and saw neat and fashionable clothes, but that was all. You looked and looked but found nothing.

You closed the closet disappointed and turned your back to it. You sighed walking toward the door but heard something move in the closet. You ran to the closet and opened it back open quickly.

There was nothing.

You heard it again but it was in the closet floor. You kneeled down looking closer to the floor and saw a string. You grabbed it and pulled it up opening a secret door. You smiled, proud of yourself.

You saw candles give off faint light to the room and heard a familiar voice say "Are you ready now Francy-pants~?"

You quickly went down the ladder and looked and saw rose petals all over the floor with candles all around a bed with a certain someone on it dressed up as play boy.

"Eyebrow man?" You said confused raising a eyebrow.


"I'm back Ar-" Francis said coming down until he saw you. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY THONG?!?"

You turned around and saw Francis with two wine glasses in one hand and one wine bottle in the other.

You looked at them both.



"IM TELLING!" You yelled climbing up the ladder quickly and running out the room.

"NOOOO!" They all screamed running after you.

Hi guys! I decided to post two stories just because it didn't post at all yesterday ^^'

This has A LOT of FrUk! XD

Anyways I hoped you liked it and as always, I wish you eternal happiness and PAAASSSTTAAA~!

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