The Horror Movie

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"Can we watch this?!?! Can we, can we, can we?!?!?" You said jumping down excitedly holding a rated-R Horror movie you found in Gilbert's room. They looked down at the movie you were holding up to them. Their eyes opened up in fear and jumped back surprised.

"W-WHAT?!?!? WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!!?!?'" They all yelled backing up.

"I got it from Gilbets room!" You said smiling.

Francis and Antonio looked at Gilbert. "I swear...I threw that thing away!" Gilbert said looking at both of them and then at the movie.

"That means..." they all said running on the couch and standing on it holding onto one another

"ITS HAUNTED!!!!" They all screamed like girls and closed their eyes shut. Suddenly Alfred appeared knocking the new door you guys had bought the last time the door had broke. You and the BTT looked at him confused.

"DO YOU WOMEN NEED HE-" Alfred started to say heroically but then saw that it was only the BTT and you. "OH, its just you guys!" he said laughing embarrassed.

"HAHA, you guy sounded so much like girls, I thought-"


"Yeah dudes?"


"But i just..."


"OKAY, OKAY! CHILL DUDES!" Alfred said and left.

You watched him as he left confused then back at the BTT and smiled again. "Can we-"

"NO!" The Btt yelled all together.

You sniffled starting to cry. "but,'s not a horror movie..." You said covering the words on the movie that said it was. "It's"

"No, no don't cry~" Antonio said sweetly getting off of the couch and walking towards you. "We can watch it! In fact, let's watch it right now." he smiled ruffling your hair and taking the movie. Francis and Gilbert jumped off the couch and said "Oh, well in that case, LETS WATCH IT."

~Time Skip~
~To Movie~


~After movie~

"Wow!!!" You said happily. "That was an awesome movie!!!"

They stared at the TV while the credits rolled down the screen.

"My eyes..." Antonio and Gilbert said just staring forward.

"My beautiful innocent eyes....." Francis said.

"Francis?" Antonio and Gilbert asked still staring forward.


"Shut up..."

You got up from Gilbert's lap and stood in front of them looking proud. You took in a deep breath and yelled "PRANKED YOU!"

~Later that night~
You quietly went to Gilbert's room and tiptoed to Gilbird's cage and opened it.

"Thank you for getting something that would scare them for me!" You whispered to Gilbird giving the bird the CD back. Gilbird chirped a "Your welcome" and flew out Gilbirt's window. You ran back to the living room and got your teddy cam that was hidden close by. "Another prank added to the collection!" You whispered to yourself quietly and ran back up stairs to your room.

~Alfred's P.O.V~

"Hmmm...where did I leave my cool Horror Movie that I bought?" Alfred said walking on the side walk.

Suddenly, a movie came down from the sky and hit him on the head. Alfred winced and saw the his movie on the side walk.

"HOW IN THE-" Alfred said looking up at the sky seeing what looked like the shadow of a Eagle. Alfred looked up to the sky and saluted.

Little did he know that it was Gilbird's shadow that made that.

Haha yes! Gilbird was in on it too! Thank you to cronagrell for this wonderful idea and for the support!

Anyways, as always, I wish you eternal happiness and PAAAASSSSTTTAAA~~

BTT x child!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora