The pool and a New Friend?

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You smiled excitingly as you looked at the most gigantic amazing thing you have ever seen. The pool! "Awesome!!!!" You yelled going to run towards the pool until Antonio picked you up and said "No running or else you'll get hurt~."

"Awe! But Gilbert is doing it!!" You said pointing to Gilbert who was running toward the pool and screaming "ZE POOOOOLL!" Until he tripped and fell on his face. You winced watching him scream out in pain cursing in his language.

"Well this really isn't the pool you will be swimming in anyways~." Francis pointed out and pointed towards a smaller pool.

"But I want to be in the bigger pool with you peedo!!!" You said loud. A lady turned to look at you confused.



Francis closed you're mouth looking around. Almost everyone at the pool area was looking at you and Francis. Francis smiled "haha children, am I right?"

"GET HIM!!!" A lady said pointing at Francis accusingly.

"Uh oh." Francis screamed running out of the pool area with a bunch of mothers chasing after him yelling at him.

"Can I swim now?" You asked Antonio innocently smiling.

" c-can." Antonio stuttered scared that he was next or something. He nervously smiled and said "Just where these!" He gave you some yellow Floaties helping you put them on.

"Are you going to wear them too?"


~Time Skip~

"Yay!!!" You screamed splashing the water at Gilbert who had Hello Kitty bandages on his head and floaties and Antonio had floaties too. Gilbert crossed his arms.

"We are too big for this child stuff!" He said poking his floatie making it explode in his face. "Ah!"

Antonio replied "Si...but it attract ladies attention!" He waved at some girls near by who were staring at you guys and giggling.

Gilbert hit Antonio in the back of the head. "THEY ARE LAUGHING AT US DUMMKOPFE!"

"Ow!" Antonio whined rubbing his head.

You laughed looking to your right and saw a (opposite sex) looking at you. When (OS) saw you looking at (OS-him/her), (OS-he/she) turned away blushing.

You smiled swimming toward the little person and said "hello!"

"H-hi..." (OS-he/she) said back.

"What's your name?"

"(Friend name)..."

"Awesome name!" You said smiling.

You and (friend name) became friends and even though (he/she) was shy, you didn't mind. You lived with a bunch of immature men anyways so you had a lot to talk about. Antonio noticed you with (friend name) and whispered to Gilbert saying "Hey, I think I found (name) with a (boyfriend/Girlfriend)~.•

"WHAT?!?" Gilbert screamed. Gilbert swam to you and picked you up saying "YOUR TOO YOUNG FOR 'RELATIONSHIPS'!" And took you out of the pool.

"Bye!" You yelled to your new friend waving as he waved back confused.

Antonio and Gilbert were walking home with you until you noticed that Francis was still missing.

"Where's peedo?" You asked.

Suddenly, Francis came running up behind you guys and yelling "RUN!" With a bunch of mother's behind him yelling at him to stay away from little children.

"Aaaahhhhh!!!" You all screamed and ran with Francis back home safely.

Yay! Done! Now I just wanted to say that I lied when I said this would be out in a few minutes. More like an hour XD. Thank you to @dandandanao for the awesome words like pool, summer, and others! @da

Anyways, I hoped you guys liked it and I wish you eternal happiness and PAAAASSSSTTTAAA~~

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