Go Climb a Mountain

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Sorry about my sucky writing these past few chapters! This one will be better, I swear!

After Louis opened the all natural hotel (except for all the packaged crap that was lying around) we almost got kicked out of the park. Thanks to the very nice Ranger's daughter who is a HUGE One Direction fan, we got to stay in the campground with no fee.(Shoutout to Marleen, you're a boss!) It's a good thing we brought tents, because otherwise we'd be sunk. The good thing: Louis had packed a locked cooler full of food. The bad thing: Louis had packed a locked cooler full of food. After Lou finally remembered the lock combination, we opened up the cooler to find 3 things: squares of american cheese, soggy white bread, and carrots.

"Looks like we'll be having a lot of grilled cheese and carrot sandwhiches." Cara had said.

"I hate grilled cheese." Tiffany had mumbled.


"Let's go climb a mountain." Liam holds Anna's hand and Anna looks up at him like he's a greek god.

"Where will we be climbing today, my good man?" Zayn asks as we walk down the familiar dirt path to the climbing shop where we'll be led up the mountain with a guide.

"We're climbing up the half dome!" Liam tells us with a skip in his step. I'll admit, Liam does do a really great job planning things. Fun things, to say the least. We reach the small wooden structure and walk inside, looking around in awe at all the pictures taken from the peaks of the mountains in the surrounding area.

"Ladies and gentlemen," A rugged looking man around 27 years old appears from the back room, "Welcome to Yosemite." He has a bandana tied around his long wavy hair brown/blonde and his goatee is neatly combed. "How many of you have climbed before?" Cara and I raise our hands and smile. Oh, that was a fun Youth Group trip. We giggle and direct our attention back to the man.

"Great, you two will be my examples. Your names please?"

"I'm Reagan," I tell him.

"and I'm Cara." She says. He smiles and motions us forward. Cara and I step up.

"You dating pretty boy over there?" The man leans over to Cara and she goes beet red.

"Pretty man." Harry corrects him.

"We'll see how man you are today." He says. "First thing's first, introductions. I'm Oliver, I've been working here since I was 22 and I've been leading expeditions up these peaks for 4 years. I know my stuff, and since this is a beginner expedition I'm guessing you don't, so let me lead at all times. I know more than you, isn't that right pretty boy?"

"I could kick your sorry arse in a singing competition." Harry says defiantly.

"Then make sure to check out the acoustics at the summit, really great tone." Oliver jokes. We all laugh as he continues.

"Alright names, Cara, Reagan," He points to Cara and I. "You."


"Pretty name for a pretty boy, alright, you."

"I'm Louis."



"You." Oliver goes down the row of my friends until he finally reaches Liam on the far left.

"Great great great, and you're all in good physical condition? None of you look like the whales I led yesterday, and that's the nicest thing I could call them. They started panting while climbing up the stairs to the van we're gonna drive out to the mountain in! I mean, I honestly didn't know whales could be out of the water so long! Well, actually they were sweating so much it smelled like the ocean." We all laugh as he ducks behind the counter and motions us over. We crowd around the display of climbing gloves. We try on gloves until we find pairs that fit right. Oliver mocks Harry for his girly soft hands but shuts his mouth once he hears what size shoe Harry wears. Soon we all have our gear on and we're being led to the van that's going to take us to the base of the mountain. We get there and stretch, fill up our water bottles, and start the winding hike that will lead us up to a set of parallel bars that go up the side of the mountain. The strenuous hiking begins when you have to pull yourself up the steep incline. I haven't warned Zayn that his hair will go limp with the air pressure but he'll figure it out soon enough.

"Alright," Oliver stops us "Reagan I'm going to use you as my example. Get over here." I squeeze past Zayn on the narrow path. Oliver takes a carabiner from his pack along with an awkward looking harness.

"This is a much steeper incline than any of you are used to, I'm sure. The angle is almost straight up and I'm pretty sure only you" He points to Liam and his abs "could make it up alone." Zayn humphs. "So we're going to be using 2 person strength. I'm going alone, so you guys need to pair up. And I'm just warning you that these bring you much closer than your average comfort zone might allow." Cara immediately grabs Harry, Anna swoons over Liam, Tiffant and Lou stand uncomfortable close, and Keegan holds Niall around the waist. I look to Zayn. He looks back to me and smiles. This is about to get interesting.

Smile  *A Zayn Malik Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now