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I fall into a restless sleep that night, tossing and turning in bed. Unable to sleep, thoughts of Zayn filled my head. At about 1 AM, there's a tap on my door. I dart upright.  

"Come in," I say quietly, pulling my duvet up to my neck. The door creaks open and Zayn peeks his head in.  

"Are you alright, Rea?" He asks. The tears well in my eyes uncontrollably.  "Come on, Love." 

"Are you mad at me? I squeeze, putting my head in my hands. Zayn sits down on my bed and puts his arm around my shoulders.  

"I couldn't be mad at you Babe." He tells me. I lean back on my bed and so does Zayn. He pulls the covers up and I finally fall asleep, listening to Zayn's slow breathing.  


My alarm blares and I roll over to the cold side of the bed. Cara throws open my door.  

"Reagan get your lazy butt out of bed, we have so much to do!" She tells me. I throw the covers away from me and hop out of bed. Cara's hair is in a high ponytail and she's wearing hiking shorts and a tank top. Her Nike's still have their fresh off the shelf glow and she looks like a model straight out of a rock climbing catalogue. I throw on the outfit I carelessly put out last night and put my hair in a bun. I pull on my old pair of Adidas and stroll into the living room. The girls are clustered around the window watching the guys shirtlessly put the luggage into the van we rented.  

"Where's the other van?" I ask Cara.  

"They didn't have any more vans so they told us they'd bring us one in the morning." She replies. "Now come on, we need to finish bringing the stuff down.  

"Keegan, Tiffany..." Anna grumbles as Keegan tries to hide the purple bag behind the cooler of food.  

"Are you guys seriously bringing your entire collection of baby lips along?" I groan. Keegan takes off down the hall with the bag and we sigh and grab some luggage to take Down to the boys. We wheel some more stuff down that the guys toss in the trunk.  

"We hired a bloke to drive for us." Liam tells us. We're about to reply when the huge vehicle pulls into the parking Lot.  

"You didn't say you rented an RV!"Anna screeches.  

"I- I didn't." Harry stammers. "I thought RV stood for 'Road Van'." 

"Seriously, Harry?" Cara places her hand on her hip. "'Road Van?" Oh no, diva time.

"Seriously Cara." He scoops her up and throws her fireman style onto his back as a man exits the RV.

"Which one of you is Mr. Styles?" The stocky man with a balding head asks. Harry raises his hand and the man hands him a clipboard to sign. 

"LET ME DOWN!" Cara screams, but Harry ignores her and signs his name on the paper and hands it back to the man. With an awkward glance, the car man quickly paces toward the sidewalk. 

"I can drive you, if you'd like." Harry volunteers. Cara kicks and screams.

"That's completely alright, really!" The man breaks into a run and soon he's out of sight. Louis chuckles, throwing another bag into the van.

"I think that's it, did you check the apartment?" Liam asks. 

"Management is gonna go through it and send anything we missed back home." Anna explains. 

"The van driver person is going to be here any moment and the company said he had a key and he'd be there before us with all of our stuff." Liam tells us, "So I guess we can go."

"How will he get there before us?" Louis asks. 

"He probably won't take as many stops as us, Lou." Zayn tells him. 

"When will he take a leak?" Louis asks and Liam opens the RV door. 

"He's probably trained his bladder to not have to pee so much."

"Bladder, sit." Louis points to his crotch demandingly and Tiffany puts her head in her hands. 

"Not... Like that." Liam says.

"I just don't want a man that drives big white creeper vans for a living leaking all over my luggage." Louis tells us. We all nod and pile into the RV. It's like a mansion on the inside! Pull out bunkbeds and a bedroom, a full bathroom, a small kitchen, a table, couches, a recliner. This  RV has it all. 

"I'll drive." Liam volunteers. "I read an article on driving an RV and I found it very interesting that-"

"Shuddup please," Harry clicks the remote built into the armrest of the recliner. A flat screen TV slides down from the ceiling. 

"This is going to be the best trip EVER!" I say, plopping down next to Zayn on the couch. Lou and Tiffany sit next to us, Anna sits in the passenger seat next to Liam, and Harry and Cara cuddle in the recliner. 

"Look at this," Tiffany gets up and opens a kitchen cupboard. It's stocked with goodies, popcorn, cookies, chips, and some stuff I've never seen before. She opens the small refridgerator showing soda and fresh fruit, water bottles (actual Camelbacks), and when she opens the small part on top there's even individual pint icecream cups. 

"This is bloody brilliant." Zayn jumps up to grab a bag of cheetos. 

"This must have been bloody expensive, and bring me a Coke. It's a long way to Yosemite."

Smile  *A Zayn Malik Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now