One Direction Dreams

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Cara's POV

"I want you to rock me, rock me, rock me, YEAH!" I sing to the Harry cardboard cut out that arrived in our apartment shortly after us. There was a mistake when we got to the hotel we were supposed to stay at, so they sent us across the street and we got a whole apartment to ourselves. Pretty neat. I dance around faux-Harry in a circle.

"I really wish I could get this on video." Keegan says, pointing to her dead phone with her curling wand. 

"I'm not letting you near my charger with that attitude." I say giving cardboard Harry a peck on the cheek. Reagan  lays on the bed with her Zayn cut out, stroking his cardboard face. 

"Don't worry, Keegan. I got it all." Tiffany says setting down her phone. I smirk at her.

"Yes, I love you. I love youuuu." Reagan says. 

"Oh gosh, Rea, stop. You're going to wear his face away if you keep rubbing it like that." Tiffany says, applying yet another coat of mascara to her eyes. 

"Your eyelashes are going to fall off if you put too much makeup on them." Anna jokes walking out of the bathroom wringing out her hair with a towel. She looks super cute in  denim dress and flats. 

"Anna, help me with my hear." Keegan says turning around to show the back of her hair which is completely straight.

"I'm going to straighten my hair." I say grabbing my heated up iron.

"It looks cute that way." Reagan says. I smile. As soon as everyone's ready, we head down the street to the arena. I place the VIP necklace carefully around my neck and start to enjoy the concert. Every time the boys come out to touch our hands, Harry comes to our side which is awesome. As soon as it started, the concert ends and we're escorted backstage and told to wait there while the boys freshened up. 20 feet away from us a door opens and One Direction walk through it, panting. Louis nudges Liam and motions over to us. Liam smiles a little bit and nudges Harry and everything after that happened in slow motion. The curly-haired boy looked up towards me,and making eye contact while a huge smile spread across his lips. I smile back and nudge Tiffany. 

"Dibs on Lou." She mutters, batting her eyes. The stage managers take the boys' microphones off and Zayn slaps Louis' butt as they walk back through the door to change.

We wait 5 minutes. 10. I hope nothing is wrong. 

Harry's POV

That girl. I couldn't take my eyes off her. The one in the little black dress. In fact, I couldn't stop going over to that side of the stage to look at her. I knew before the concert that we had to meet some girls after, and usually that's a total drag, but when I walked through the door and saw her, I couldn't help but smile when I saw the VIP pass around her neck. 

"Blimey, what's up with Harry?" Louis asks.

"The girl." Niall replies as his shirt drops to the floor.

"Which one?" Louis asks.

"Brown hair, pretty eyes?" Liam asks.

"No, the blonde one. In the denim. She was the prettiest." Liam says, his shirt landing on top of Niall's.I 

"No way." Zayn argues. "It was the shortest brown haired girl." 

"No, the blonde one with the skinny jeans was definetly the cutest!" Niall argues. "She looked Irish."

"No no no," I say "the one in the black dress." I pull up my jeans. 

"Come on lads," Niall says, and he leads the way out the door.

Reagan's POV

Zayn walks through the door third and immediately makes eye contact with me. I smile at him and he looks at the ground. We go through a round of hugging as the boys ask us our names.

"I'm Reagan." I say quietly.

"I'm sorry, love, I couldn't hear you. What did you say?" Zayn asks, stepping closer.

"Reagan." I repeat. He smiles at me.

"That's a beautiful name." He tells me. I notice Harry talking to Cara away from everybody else (Not suprising. They're both total flirts) but to my suprise, when I turned around, Anna and Liam were sitting next to each other on the couch and laughing.

"So what's your name again?" She asks.

"Well that's the first time anybody has ever asked me at an event like this." Liam says. Anna just laughs it off. "I'm Liam." Keegan and Niall are flirting, too. Once our time is up (even though Harry asked the stage managers for more) we had to leave. Zayn promised to follow me on twitter, and I gave him my username. I floated out of the arena like I was in a dream, which then, I was. We get back to our apartment at 11:30 and I collapse into bed. I drift off into a sleep filled with none other than Zayn Malik.

Smile  *A Zayn Malik Love Story*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ