Alone Time

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"So we're going camping for a week," Zayn lounges on the couch, sipping his coffee. "and then,spring break will be over." I grimace, not wanting to think about it. Zayn is leaving. I'm still single.  

"What're you in charge of for camping?" I ask, changing the subject.  

"Supplies," He answers. I wrinkle up my nose in disgust. He sips his coffee, not realizing what he said.  

"You didn't tell me you were having your period, Zayn!" He snorts and the coffee trickles back into the cup. He wipes his mouth.  

"Not those supplies!" He sets his mug on the coffee table and picks up a pillow to chuck at me. It flies across the room and hits the wall behind my head.  

"Good aim, Malik." I giggle. He huffs. "For the record, these are very flimsy pillows." He smiles that cheeky boy smile at me.  

'cupcake' I fangirl a little, but stop myself. You are not ruining this, Reagan. Zayn stops smiling suddenly and just looks me up and down. My cellphone rings and I get up to answer it.  

"Hello?" I check the caller ID. 'Caller Unknown'.  

"Reagan! It's me, Josiah, from math class." 

"Oh, hey Jo. What's up?" 'seriously, you want homework help now? It's spring break for pete's sake,' I think, drumming my fingers on the countertop. Zayn looks at me over his shoulder.  

"Oh, you know..." He answers. Probably playing video games. "What's going on with you?" 

"I'm just hanging out... With friends," I lie, because technically, Zayn and I are the only ones here. 'Kiall' went to see a movie with 'Lanna', 'Carry' is shopping, and Tiffany and Louis who aren't dating yet and don't have a cool nickname, are getting camping supplies.  

"That's cool," Josiah tells me. "Well I was wondering if you wanted maybe to hang out sometime?"  

'YES' I scream internally, since I've hand a crush on him since sixth grade when he could recite pi with his eyes closed.  

"I can't," I look back to Zayn's pleading brown eyes. "I'm in California."  

"I know, that's why I called. I'm in LA too. But if you don't want to," He pauses. If Zayn hasn't made any moves, is it safe to go on a date with another guy? Wait, who cares! Zayn has showed no interest in dating me. Why shouldn't I go on a date with the boy I like while I'm here.  

"No, I want to." I tell him.  

"You want to meet at the mall at 7? We can catch a flick."  

"Yeah, okay. Seeya Jo." 

"See ya, Rea." 

I end the phone call and set my phone on the table. Am I going to regret this? Nah. Zayn stands up and walks to the fridge.  

"We're leaving at six tomorrow for Yosemite." He tells me, grabbing a coke. I nod.  

"We should probably start packing." I tell him, and he nods in agreement.  

"Give me a minute to change and we can go to Dick's." I tell him. Zayn giggles like a 12 year old. "Grow up," I laugh, pushing open the door to my room. I take off my old track team t-shirt and throw it into the dirty laundry bag. Grabbing a new bra and cami I search for a clean shirt. A red one catches my eye, so I grab it along with pair of denim short-shorts. I pull on the black cami and adjust the cutoff top of the red 'Call Me Maybe' shirt. I pull on the shorts and throw my hair in a messy bun. I add the shades I bought at the mall and grab a pair of black sandals, then strut into the living room.  

"Hey, good lookin', ready to go get some Dicks?" Zayn laughs at his own joke. He dons a baseball cap and a pair of shades.  

"Leggo," I say, throwing open the apartment door. Zayn hails a cab and we drive to the mall. We walk into the sports store and start to look around. An assistant comes up to us, offering a cart, which we take gratefully. Zayn pushes around the cooler, the 10 folding chairs, the hotdog roasting sticks, the climbing gloves (hey, when you're in Yosemite National Park with 5 international superstars, you might just want to climb a mountain with them), and so much more. Soon we need a second cart. Water bottles, bug spray, sunscreen, sleeping bags, blow up mattresses, pots, pans, water purifier, we grab everything from eating utensils to first aid kits. Zayn picks out 2 huge tents.  

"5 people can fit in each." He tells me "One for guys and one for girls." 

"Gotcha." I tell him, looking over to the active wear section.  

"Let's buy this and then we can do your job. Zayn says.  

"Sounds good to m-" I'm interrupted by Zayn's phone.  

"It's Harry." He tells me, shooting an 'I'm sorry' glance. "Hello?" 

"I RENTED A VAN!" Harry'a voice streams through the phone's speakers. I hear someone, presumably Cara, sigh in the background.  

"Great bring it around to Dicks. We have so much stuff, we might need 2 vans." 

"CARE BEAR, WE NEED TO RENT ANOTHER VAN!" I hear Harry shout. Cara sighs again.  

"We'll be there in half an hour," Harry says. Zayn and I pull our overflowing cart to the checkout.  

"First time campers?" The cashier surveys our pile. Zayn grins and hands her the credit card. 


"That will add up to 3,612 dollars." The woman hands Zayn's credit card back to him. He doesnt skip a beat putting it back in his wallet, like 3,000 dollars is nothing to him. Suddenly to door of the store bursts open and Harry struts inside. 

"Let's load up the van." He says, looking rugged in his plaid shirt and old jeans. We need a store assistant to help us get everything into the van. He looks confused as the cabs start pour into the parking lot and all of my friends pour out. 

"We told them they needed to come pick out hiking boots." Cara explains, and we head  back into the store.

Smile  *A Zayn Malik Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now