The Contest

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Pic of Tiffany and Louis over there >>>>>>

"Hurry up, Reagan! You're gonna be late for school!" My mother calls down the hallway. I tuck my 'What Makes you Beautiful' necklace under my shirt. Anna would freak if she saw I was wearing it for the 18th day in a row. Anna is one of my best friends (Other than Cara and Tiffany), but totally not supportive  of my One Direction 'addiction'.  I close my bedroom door behind me and stomp into the kitchen. 

"Can't you give me a ride?" I ask my mom.

"Sorry Rea, not today. Now grab your lunch. The bus is here." She tells me. I moan and grab my lunchbox, then scurry out the door. At least it's Monday. I think to myself. That means I'm meeting Cara and Tiffany at the mall tonight. I hop on the bus and start the long day that's ahead of me. It seems like years until the bell rings to end the day. The mall is only a few blocks away so I start my walk. When I get there I head of the cafe. I see Cara's dark blonde hair over the top of the booth and head over. 

"It seems way more than a week since I've seen you." She tells me standing up to greet me. I hug her, wishing I could transfer to her school so we could see each other every day. Tiffany appears and I hug her too. I used to not be able to tell the two apart, but now that they're older, I don't see how I couldn't. Cara is tall with lots of freckles, and Tiffany has gorgeous blue eyes that could never be mistaken for anybody else.

"Where do you want to start?" I ask.

"How about Delia's?" Tiffany suggests looking over to our favorite spot in the mall.

"We've already tried on every single One Direction shirt they have."  Cara says. 

"Well maybe they have something new." Tiffany pouts.

"They haven't had anything new since Liam shaved his head." Cara counters. "The first time he shaved his head."

"They have so!" Tiffany tells her.

"Face it.  One Direction isn't nearly as popular as they were 5 years  ago." Cara says. Tiffany doesn't say anything else. Everybody knows they can't win an argument with Cara. At 17, she's sassier than Louis Tomlinson. 

"Let's just go. You never know Cara." I say heading over to the store. They both follow. We browse a bit through the ever dwindling 1D section.

"What are these?" Cara asks holding up a form. 

"Meet 1D." Tiffany reads. I grab the paper out of her hand.

"Win an all expenses paid weekend with the guys!" I screech. "We have to enter!"

"You know we won't win." Tiffany says.

"Don't be so negative. You're spreading bad narks everywhere." Cara tells her. I smile. Cara's been using her word for 'bad luck' since 6th grade. She rummages in her purse and pulls out 3 pens, handing one to each of us. She starts filling out her form and so do I. 

"Wouldn't it be awesome if we actually did win?" I ask. "I'd get to meet Zayn Malik."

"Yeah it would be awesome."  Cara says. "But if I'm finally gonna meet One Direction, we're gonna need some real good narks."

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