18 pt.3

572 22 1

Mitch's POV

"Last night..." I told them all about my dream and how real it seemed.

"Mitchie, he wants to see you. The nurse said he's weak but, he wants you." Avi said, letting me off the bed. I look to my family as if asking permission and Kirstin just pushed me out the door.


I stand outside the door for a moment before knocking. A different nurse comes and opens the door for me. Kevin is just laying there with his eyes closed. I slowly walk over and sit in the chair next to him. He looks peaceful. I lay my hand on his arm and whisper, "Kevin?"

He slowly opens his eyes and smiles, looking at me.

"Yes, Mitchie?" He asked so quietly I could barely hear him.

"Are you okay?"

"I will be."

"What do you need?"


"Can I hug you?"

"Please do."

I stand up and very slowly I hug him, not forcefully either. I didn't want to hurt him, I just wanted to be gentle. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer. His long arms wrap around my slender body so easily. Some people don't realize he is only an inch shorter than Scott. He pulls me onto the bed with him and holds me close. The funny thing is, even after spending the whole night in the E.R., he still smells like him. I never thought anyone could need me. Why Him?

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