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Hey y'all I'm so sorry for not updating. I've been dealing with personal issues and I've been sick. The only good thigs that happened were, I got to see Pentatonix live and found a new non-harmful way to deal with my depression. Thank you so much Jenna_Ash and ObsessedwithAvi for helping me through this. It really means a lot! Love Ya!

Scott's POV

"Okay, I'm officially freaking out." I said when I heard the bus door slam.

"Relax, sis. Me and Kirst got our parts memorized and Kevin got himself a place to sit and play. All you have to do is sing your heart out and show him how you truly feel about him. Scott, he loves you, a lot. He doesn't know that you love him just as much, if not more, because you haven't shown him. It's going to be okay." Mitch said.


Avi's POV

"Esther, it's been an hour and I haven't found anything I liked." I told her.

"I know, maybe you'll find something you love around the next corner." She said hopefully.

"Doubt it, but okay." I said as we kept walking. When we turned the corner, my heart stopped and started again, going double time. Scott stood there with a hopeful but sad look on his face. Behind him, was Kevin sitting on a fountain, in the middle of a beautiful park. On either side of him was Mitch and Kirstie. Kevin started playing and soon, Mitch and Kirstie joined in. I knew what the song was immediately and stared crying. Scott started with the first lyrics of Blank Page. He started walking to me and I think time literally froze. Not even kidding. Halfway through, I was balling, which hurt my ribs but, I can't even describe how I was feeling. He's right in front of me now. He reaches for my hand and takes it in his own.

"Avi, I'm so sorry, for what I said. I never, ever, wanted to hurt you. The accident, the bus, Avi, I didn't realize how much I need you until I didn't have you. The only reason I got so mad is because of the memories his name brings me, good and bad, they could never compare to you. When I went to my bunk, the first thought I had was, "Where's Avi, I need him to hold me and tell me it'll all be okay." Then I remembered I couldn't come talk to you because I had just yelled at you for something you didn't do. I felt so ashamed of myself. Even Mitch was mad at me. I am so sorry, Avi. I never even asked you to be mine. That's all I want. It's you. Avi? Will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?" He asks after a pause. I manage to shake my head, yes. Yes to going on an official date and yes, to forgiving him. This, this man in front of me, broken down and real, is the man I fell in love with. This whole thing he just did, is one of the many answers to my question. Why him?

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