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Scott's POV

I layed in my bed for what seemed like hours but, when I checked my phone it had only been 30 minutes. I can't believe I snapped at him like that! What the hell was I thinking! Ugh! He is never going to talk to me again! Oh shit. The band...

Mitch's POV

After I gave Avi his meds, he passed right out. Whatever the doctor had him taking sure did knock him out. I guess if he's asleep he's not in pain right? Now, I have to go talk some sense into my idiot of a friend. I messed with my phone for a second before strutting my way down the bus. When I got to Scott's bunk, I ripped the curtain open.

"Explain." Was all I said. He slid out of his bunk and dragged me into the front lounge. He sat down on the couch and I sat next to him.

"Mitch, I messed up so bad. I yelled at him when all he did was ask about what happened between me and Alex. It's stupid, I know but, it scared me when he started talking about the breakup. My first thought was that he wanted to breakup with me. I wouldn't be able live if he left me. But, I had to be stupid and tell him that I thought I was starting to regret loving him. Like, what the hell? Anybody would be lucky to love him. Ugh, Mitch! What am I supposed to do?" Scott ranted.

"Well, when he wakes up, you should apologize for being a total buttface and for making him feel bad about himself because he is perfect and he hurt himself because he thought that he had done something wrong. He came out for YOU Scott! We both know how hard that is, especially when you're as sexy him. YOU make him feel special. YOU are the reason he is in pain and YOU are the only one that can help him. Give me three reasons why you love him. Go." I said.

"1: His smile gives me life. 2: He has room in his heart for every person on the planet. 3: The way he carries himself, like he may not know what's going on in his life or his world may be crashing down but, you would never know because he keeps his head held high like nothing is going to stop him from trying. I can keep going if you want?" He said.

"No. Until he wakes up, you are not allowed to leave your bunk unless you have to pee. You are going to stay there and think of every way you could possibly apologize to him and prove that you love him and wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. Then you are going to have to apologize to me for having to comfort a crying Avi while you were pouting like a big 6 foot tall baby. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go check on Kevin." I ordered and walked away, hitting a button on my phone. I had recorded the whole conversation. He will listen to his Queen whether he likes it or not.

Scott's POV

I turned to look at Kirstie, who took her headphones off and asked, "What'd I miss?"

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