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Scott's POV

After we were done eating, it was almost 1:00. Esther had gone back to her bunk to take a nap and Kirst was doing something for her website. She looked like a frustrated animae character with her hair all up in a bun. Half of it was falling down around her face and she had her headphones on. Mitch and Kevin were still sleeping, or at least Kevin was. I'm not sure about Mitch. I'm going to go check.

"Av, you need anything?" I asked, standing up.

"Nope, I'm good." He answered, adjusting his foot.

"Okay, I'll be back." I said in my best "Terminator" voice. I left him laughing his butt off on the couch. I shook my head. He sure is something else. I stopped by Kevin's bunk, pulling the curtain far enough to see Kevin's long arms wrapped around Mitch's thin stomach. His hair was all in his eyes as his head rested against Kevin's. They were both lightly snoring, their breaths matched to each others steady rhythm. Too cute. I walked to the refrigerator and grabbed a water. I went back to the back lounge and sat back down on the couch, Avi curling up to my side. We sat in comfortable silence until Avi spoke up.

"What happened between you and Alex? I mean you two were inseparable. Like, if I didn't already have feelings for you, I would've totally shipped it. You guys looked so happy." Avi said. I sighed.

"I don't know Avi. I couldn't love him the way he deserved to be loved. I loved him, trust me, I really did but, he deserves more. I'm gone half the time, even when he comes with us I'm still busy. I also knew that what I felt for him, was nowhere near as strong as what I felt for a certain someone, who by the way, was off limits at the time. You hadn't come out yet, we were about to go on tour. Alex had been feeling neglected. Everything was just all wrong!" I said, getting angrier by the second. I stood up and started to pace. Avi stared at me with wide eyes.

"He was everything I could want in a man but, he wasn't the man I wanted. I tried so hard to get over you. At first I just kind of admired you. By the time we won the Sing-Off, I had a crush on you. You had been dating whatserface and I couldn't stop thinking 'bout you. I pushed my feelings deep down and didn't let them resurface until you came out. It wasn't until that moment, that I realized, that in four years... I had fallen for you, knowing I couldn't have you. So I'm SO SORRY that we broke up. It was on good terms? Yes. Do I still talk to him? Yes. Do I still love him? No. Do I still love you?" I paused. "I think I'm starting to regret it." I turned and stormed out. I was fuming. I don't even feel sorry for blowing up on him like that. Why did I get so mad in the first place? I don't know. Scratch that, I don't care. It's none of his business. Yes it is, he has the right to know, he is your boyfriend after all. His first boyfriend, I might add. Haha! Can't get mad at your own heart, idiot. Isn't that what you called him? Who's the idiot now? Uh huh! That's what I thought. Sucks we're on the road. The only place you can hide is in your bunk. That's sad Scotty boy. Hiding from your boyfriend that came our for YOU. Got hit by a car for YOU. Has a broken ankle and bruised ribs for YOU. Idiot.

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